Testing Data Abstractions

When testing a data abstraction, a simple first step is to look at the abstraction function and representation invariant for hints about what boundaries may exist in the space of values manipulated by a data abstraction. The rep invariant is a particularly effective tool for constructing useful test cases. Looking at the rep invariant of the rational data abstraction above, we see that it requires that q is non-zero. Therefore we should construct test cases that make q as close to 0 as possible, i.e. 1 or -1.

We should also test how each consumer of the data abstraction handles every path through each producer of it. A consumer is an operation that takes a value of the data abstraction as input, and a producer is an operation that returns such a value.

For example, consider this set abstraction:

module type Set = sig

  (** ['a t] is the type of a set whose elements have type ['a]. *)
  type 'a t

  (** [empty] is the empty set. *)
  val empty : 'a t

  (** [size s] is the number of elements in [s]. *
      [size empty] is [0]. *)
  val size : 'a t -> int

  (** [add x s] is a set containing all the elements of
      [s] as well as element [x]. *)
  val add : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t

  (** [mem x s] is [true] iff [x] is an element of [s]. *)
  val mem : 'a -> 'a t -> bool


The empty and add functions are producers; and the size, add and mem functions are consumers. So we should test how

  • size handles the empty set;

  • size handles a set produced by add, both when add leaves the set unchanged as well as when it increases the set;

  • add handles sets produced by empty as well as add itself;

  • mem handles sets produced by empty as well as add, including paths where mem is invoked on elements that have been added as well as elements that have not.

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