Substitution in SimPL

In the previous section, we posited a new notation e'{e/x}, meaning "the expression e' with e substituted for x." The intuition is that anywhere x appears in e', we should replace x with e.

Defining Substitution

Let's give a careful definition of substitution for SimPL. For the most part, it's not too hard.

Constants have no variables appearing in them (e.g., x cannot syntactically occur in 42), so substitution leaves them unchanged:

i{e/x} = i
b{e/x} = b

For binary operators and if expressions, all that substitution needs to do is to recurse inside the subexpressions:

(e1 bop e2){e/x} = e1{e/x} bop e2{e/x}
(if e1 then e2 else e3){e/x} = if e1{e/x} then e2{e/x} else e3{e/x}

Variables start to get a little trickier. There are two possibilities: either we encounter the variable x, which means we should do the substitution, or we encounter some other variable with a different name, say y, in which case we should not do the substitution:

x{e/x} = e
y{e/x} = y

The first of those cases, x{e/x} = e, is important to note: it's where the substitution operation finally takes place. Suppose, for example, we were trying to figure out the result of (x + 42){1/x}. Using the definitions from above,

  (x + 42){1/x}
= x{1/x} + 42{1/x}   by the bop case
= 1 + 42{1/x}        by the first variable case
= 1 + 42             by the integer case

Note that we are not defining the --> relation right now. That is, none of these equalities represents a step of evaluation. To make that concrete, suppose we were evaluating let x = 1 in x + 42:

    let x = 1 in x + 42
--> (x + 42){1/x}
  = 1 + 42
--> 43

There are two single steps here, one for the let and the other for +. But we consider the substitution to happen all at once, as part of the step that let takes. That's why we write (x + 42){1/x} = 1 + 42, not (x + 42){1/x} --> 1 + 42.

Finally, let expression also have two cases, depending on the name of the bound variable:

(let x = e1 in e2){e/x}  =  let x = e1{e/x} in e2
(let y = e1 in e2){e/x}  =  let y = e1{e/x} in e2{e/x}

Both of those cases substitute e for x inside the binding expression e1. That's to ensure that expressions like let x = 42 in let y = x in y would evaluate correctly: x needs to be in scope inside the binding y = x, so we have to do a substitution there regardless of the name being bound.

But the first case does not do a substitution inside e2, whereas the second case does. That's so we stop substituting when we reach a shadowed name. Consider let x = 5 in let x = 6 in x. We know it would evaluate to 6 in OCaml because of shadowing. Here's how it would evaluate with our definitions of SimPL:

    let x = 5 in let x = 6 in x
--> (let x = 6 in x){5/x}
  = let x = 6{5/x} in x      ***
  = let x = 6 in x
--> x{6/x}
  = 6

On the line tagged *** above, we've stopped substituting inside the body expression, because we reached a shadowed variable name. If we had instead kept going inside the body, we'd get a different result:

    let x = 5 in let x = 6 in x
--> (let x = 6 in x){5/x}
  = let x = 6{5/x} in x{5/x}      ***WRONG***
  = let x = 6 in 5
--> 5{6/x}
  = 5


Example 1:

let x=2 in x+1
--> (x+1){2/x}   
  = 2+1
--> 3

Example 2:

    let x = 0 in (let x = 1 in x)
--> (let x = 1 in x){0/x}  
  = (let x = 1{0/x} in x) 
  = (let x = 1 in x)
--> x{1/x}  
  = 1

Example 3:

    let x = 0 in x + (let x = 1 in x)
--> (x + (let x = 1 in x)){0/x}  
  = x{0/x} + (let x = 1 in x){0/x}
  = 0 + (let x = 1{0/x} in x)  
  = 0 + (let x = 1 in x)  
--> 0 + x{1/x}  
  = 0 + 1
--> 1

Implementing Substitution

The definitions above are easy to turn into OCaml code. Note that, although we write v below, the function is actually able to substitute any expression for a variable, not just a value. The interpreter will only ever call this function on a value, though.

(** [subst e v x] is [e] with [v] substituted for [x], that
    is, [e{v/x}]. *)
let rec subst e v x = match e with
  | Var y -> if x = y then v else e
  | Bool _ -> e
  | Int _ -> e
  | Binop (bop, e1, e2) -> Binop (bop, subst e1 v x, subst e2 v x)
  | Let (y, e1, e2) ->
    let e1' = subst e1 v x in
    if x = y
    then Let (y, e1', e2)
    else Let (y, e1', subst e2 v x)
  | If (e1, e2, e3) -> 
    If (subst e1 v x, subst e2 v x, subst e3 v x)

The SimPL Interpreter is Done

We've completed developing our SimPL interpreter! The finished interpreter can be downloaded here. It includes some rudimentary test cases, as well as makefile targets that you will find helpful.

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