Pattern Matching with Lists
We saw above how to access lists using pattern matching. Let's look more carefully at this feature.
Syntax and Semantics
match e with
| p1 -> e1
| p2 -> e2
| ...
| pn -> en
Each of the clauses pi -> ei
is called a branch or a case of
the pattern match. The first vertical bar in the entire pattern match
is optional.
The p
's here are a new syntactic form called a pattern. For now,
a pattern may be:
- a variable name, e.g.
- the underscore character
, which is called the wildcard - the empty list
[p1; ...; pn]
No variable name may appear more than once in a pattern. For example,
the pattern x::x
is illegal. The wildcard may occur any number of times.
As we learn more of data structures available in OCaml, we'll expand the possibilities for what a pattern may be.
Dynamic semantics.
In lecture we gave an abbreviated version of the dynamic semantics. Here we give the full details.
Pattern matching involves two inter-related tasks: determining whether a pattern matches a value, and determining what parts of the value should be associated with which variable names in the pattern. The former task is intuitively about determining whether a pattern and a value have the same shape. The latter task is about determining the variable bindings introduced by the pattern. For example, in
match 1::[] with
| [] -> false
| h::t -> (h>=1) && (length t = 0)
(which evaluates to true
when evaluating the right-hand side of the second branch, h=1
and t=[]
Let's write h->1
to mean the variable binding saying that h
has value 1
this is not a piece of OCaml syntax, but rather a notation we use to
reason about the language. So the variable bindings produced
by the second branch would be h->1,t->[]
More carefully, here is a definition of when a pattern matches a value and the bindings that match produces:
The pattern
matches any valuev
and produces the variable bindingx->v
.The pattern
matches any value and produces no bindings.The pattern
matches the value[]
and produces no bindings.If
and produces a set of bindings, and ifp2
and produces a set of bindings, thenp1::p2
and produces the set of bindings. Note thatv2
must be a list (since it's on the right-hand side of::
) and could have any length: 0 elements, 1 element, or many elements. Note that the union of bindings will never have a problem where the same variable is bound separately in both and because of the syntactic restriction that no variable name may appear more than once in a pattern.If for all
, it holds thatpi
and produces the set of bindings, then[p1; ...; pn]
matches[v1; ...; vn]
and produces the set of bindings. Note that this pattern specifies the exact length the list must be.
Now we can say how to evaluate match e with p1 -> e1 | ... | pn -> en
to a valuev
, then againstp2
, and so on, in the order they appear in the match expression.If
does not match against any of the patterns, then evaluation of the match expression raises aMatch_failure
exception. We haven't yet discussed exceptions in OCaml, but you're familiar with them from CS 1110 (Python) and CS 2110 (Java). We'll come back to exceptions after we've covered some of the other built-in data structures in OCaml.Otherwise, stop trying to match at the first time a match succeeds against a pattern. Let
be that pattern and let be the variable bindings produced by matchingv
.Substitute those bindings inside
, producing a new expressione'
to a valuev'
.The result of the entire match expression is
For example, here's how this match expression would be evaluated:
match 1::[] with
| [] -> false
| h::t -> (h=1) && (t=[])
is already a value[]
does not match1::[]
does match1::[]
and produces variable bindings {h->1
}, because:h
and produces the variable bindingh->1
and produces the variable bindingt->[]
substituting {
} inside(h=1) && (t=[])
produces a new expression(1=1) && ([]=[])
(1=1) && ([]=[])
yields the valuetrue
(we omit the justification for that fact here, but it follows from other evaluation rules for built-in operators and function application)so the result of the entire match expression is
Static semantics.
- If
and for alli
, it holds thatpi:ta
, then(match e with p1 -> e1 | ... | pn -> en) : tb
That rule relies on being able to judge whether a pattern has a particular type. As usual, type inference comes into play here. The OCaml compiler infers the types of any pattern variables as well as all occurrences of the wildcard pattern. As for the list patterns, they have the same type-checking rules as list expressions.
Additional Static Checking
In addition to that type-checking rule, there are two other checks the compiler does for each match expression:
Exhaustiveness: the compiler checks to make sure that there are enough patterns to guarantee that at least one of them matches the expression
, no matter what the value of that expression is at run time. This ensures that the programmer did not forget any branches. For example, the function below will cause the compiler to emit a warning:# let head lst = match lst with h::_ -> h;; Warning 8: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive. Here is an example of a value that is not matched: []
By presenting that warning to the programmer, the compiler is helping the programmer to defend against the possibility of
exceptions at runtime.Unused branches: the compiler checks to see whether any of the branches could never be matched against because one of the previous branches is guaranteed to succeed. For example, the function below will cause the compiler to emit a warning:
# let rec sum lst = match lst with | h::t -> h + sum t | [h] -> h | [] -> 0;; Warning 11: this match case is unused.
The second branch is unused because the first branch will match anything the second branch matches.
Unused match cases are usually a sign that the programmer wrote something other than what they intended. So by presenting that warning, the compiler is helping the programmer to detect latent bugs in their code.
Here's an example of one of the most common bugs that causes an unused match case warning. Understanding it is also a good way to check your understanding of the dynamic semantics of match expressions:
let length_is lst n = match length lst with | n -> true | _ -> false
The programmer was thinking that if the length of
is equal ton
, then this function will returntrue
, and otherwise will returnfalse
. But in fact this function always returnstrue
. Why? Because the pattern variablen
is distinct from the function argumentn
Suppose that the length oflst
is 5. Then the pattern match becomes:match 5 with n -> true | _ -> false
. Doesn
match 5? Yes, according to the rules above: a variable pattern matches any value and here produces the bindingn->5
. Then evaluation applies that binding totrue
, substituting all occurrences ofn
inside oftrue
with 5. Well, there are no such occurrences. So we're done, and the result of evaluation is justtrue
.What the programmer really meant to write was:
let length_is lst n = match length lst with | m -> if m=n then true else false | _ -> false
or better yet:
let length_is lst n = match length lst with | m -> m=n | _ -> false
or even better yet:
let length_is lst n = length lst = n
Deep Pattern Matching
Patterns can be nested. Doing so can allow your code to look deeply into the structure of a list. For example:
matches all lists with exactly one element_::_
matches all lists with at least one element_::_::[]
matches all lists with exactly two elements_::_::_::_
matches all lists with at least three elements