
Exercise: exp [✭✭]

Prove that exp x (m + n) = exp x m * exp x n, where

let rec exp x n =
  if n = 0 then 1
  else x * exp x (n - 1)

Proceed by induction on m.

Exercise: fibi [✭✭✭]

Prove that forall n >= 1, fib n = fibi n (0, 1), where

let rec fib n =
  if n = 1 then 1
  else if n = 2 then 1
  else fib (n - 2) + fib (n - 1)

let rec fibi n (prev, curr) =
  if n = 1 then curr
  else fibi (n - 1) (curr, prev + curr)

Proceed by induction on n, rather than trying to apply the theorem about converting recursion into iteration.

Exercise: expsq [✭✭✭]

Prove that expsq x n = exp x n, where

let rec expsq x n =
  if n = 0 then 1
  else if n = 1 then x
  else (if n mod 2 = 0 then 1 else x) * expsq (x * x) (n / 2)

Proceed by strong induction on n. Function expsq implements exponentiation by repeated squaring, which results in more efficient computation than exp.

Exercise: mult [✭✭]

Prove that forall n, mult n Z = Z by induction on n, where:

let rec mult a b =
  match a with
  | Z -> Z
  | S k -> plus b (mult k b)
Exercise: append nil [✭✭]

Prove that forall lst, lst @ [] = lst by induction on lst.

Exercise: rev dist append [✭✭✭]

Prove that reverse distributes over append, i.e., that forall lst1 lst2, rev (lst1 @ lst2) = rev lst2 @ rev lst1, where:

let rec rev = function
  | [] -> []
  | h :: t -> rev t @ [h]

(That is, of course, an inefficient implemention of rev.) You will need to choose which list to induct over. You will need the previous exercise as a lemma, as well as the associativity of append, which was proved in the notes above.

Exercise: rev involutive [✭✭✭]

Prove that reverse is an involution, i.e., that forall lst, rev (rev lst) = lst. Proceed by induction on lst. You will need the previous exercise as a lemma.

Exercise: reflect size [✭✭✭]

Prove that forall t, size (reflect t) = size t by induction on t, where:

let rec size = function
  | Leaf -> 0
  | Node (l, v, r) -> 1 + size l + size r
Exercise: propositions [✭✭✭✭]

In propositional logic, we have propositions, negation, conjunction, disjunction, and implication. The following BNF describes propositional logic formulas:

p ::= atom
    | ~ p      (* negation *)
    | p /\ p   (* conjunction *)
    | p \/ p   (* disjunction *)
    | p -> p   (* implication *)

atom ::= <identifiers>

For example, raining /\ snowing /\ cold is a proposition stating that it is simultaneously raining and snowing and cold (a weather condition known as Ithacating).

Define an OCaml type to represent the AST of propositions. Then state the induction principle for that type.

Exercise: list spec [✭✭✭]

Design an OCaml interface for lists that has nil, cons, append, and length operations. Design the equational specification. Hint: the equations will look strikingly like the OCaml implementations of @ and List.length.

Exercise: bag spec [✭✭✭✭]

A bag or multiset is like a blend of a list and a set: like a set, order does not matter; like a list, elements may occur more than once. The number of times an element occurs is its multiplicity. An element that does not occur in the bag has multiplicity 0. Here is an OCaml signature for bags:

module type Bag = sig
  type 'a t
  val empty : 'a t
  val is_empty : 'a t -> bool
  val insert : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
  val mult : 'a -> 'a t -> int
  val remove : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t

Categorize the operations in the Bag interface as generators, manipulators, or queries. Then design an equational specification for bags. For the remove operation, your specification should cause at most one occurrence of an element to be removed. That is, the multiplicity of that value should decrease by at most one.

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