Module Systems
Any language's module system will usually provide support for these concerns:
Namespaces. A namespace provides a set of names that are grouped
together, are usually logically related, and are distinct from other
namespaces. That enables the name foo
in one namespace to have a
distinct meaning from foo
in another namespace. A namespace is a
scoping mechanism. Namespaces are essential for modularity, because
without them, the names one programmer in a large team chooses could
collide with the names another programmer chooses. In Java, packages
and classes provide namespaces. In OCaml, there is a language feature
called structures that is used to group names.
Abstraction. An abstraction hides some information while revealing other information. Abstraction thus enables encapsulation, aka information hiding. Usually, abstraction mechanisms for modules allow revealing some names that exist inside the module, but hiding some others. Abstractions therefore describe relationships among modules: there might be many modules that could considered to satisfy a given abstraction. Abstraction is essential for modularity, because it enables implementers of a module to hide the details of the implementation from clients, thus preventing the clients from abusing those details. In a large team, the modules one programmer designs are thereby protected from abuse by another programmer. It also enables clients to be blissfully unaware of those details. In a large team, no programmer has to be aware of all the details of all the modules. In Java, interfaces and abstract classes provide abstraction. In OCaml, there is a language feature called a signature that is used to abstract structures by hiding some of the structure's names.
Code reuse. A module system enables code reuse by providing features that enable code from one module to be used as part of another module without having to copy that code. Code reuse thereby enables programmers to build on the work of others in a way that is maintainable: when the implementer of one module makes an improvement in that module, all the programmers who are reusing that code automatically get the benefit of that improvement. Code reuse is essential for modularity, because it enables "building blocks" that can be assembled and reassembled to form complex pieces of software. In Java, subtyping and inheritance provide code reuse. In OCaml, there are language features called functors and includes that are used to reuse code by producing new code out of old code. We will cover those features in the next lecture.