Defensive Programming

As we discussed earlier in the section on debugging, one defense against bugs is to make any bugs (or errors) immediately visible. That idea connects with idea of preconditions.

Consider this specification of random_int:

(** [random_int bound] is a random integer between 0 (inclusive)
    and [bound] (exclusive).  Requires: [bound] is greater than 0 
    and less than 2^30. *)

If the client of random_int passes a value of bound that violates the "Requires" clause, such as -1, the implementation of random_int is free to do anything whatsoever. All bets are off when the client violates the precondition.

But the most helpful thing for random_int to do is to immediately expose the fact that the precondition was violated. After all, chances are that the client didn't mean to violate it.

So the implementor of random_int would do well to check whether the precondition is violated, and if so, raise an exception. Here are three possibilities of that kind of defensive programming:

(* possibility 1 *)
let random_int bound =
  assert (bound > 0 && bound < 1 lsl 30);
  (* proceed with the implementation of the function *)

(* possibility 2 *)
let random_int bound =
  if not (bound > 0 && bound < 1 lsl 30)
  then invalid_arg "bound";
  (* proceed with the implementation of the function *)

(* possibility 3 *)
let random_int bound =
  if not (bound > 0 && bound < 1 lsl 30)
  then failwith "bound";
  (* proceed with the implementation of the function *)

The second possibility is probably the most informative to the client, because it uses the built-in function invalid_arg to raise the well-named exception Invalid_argument. In fact, that's exactly what the standard library implementation of this function does.

The first possibility is probably most useful when you are trying to debug your own code, rather than choosing to expose a failed assertion to a client.

The third possibility differs from the second only in the name (Failure) of the exception that is raised. It might be useful in situations where the precondition involves more than just a single invalid argument.

In this example, checking the precondition is computationally cheap. In other cases, it might require a lot of computation, so the implementer of the function might prefer not to check the precondition, or only to check some inexpensive approximation to it.

Sometimes programmers worry unnecessarily that defensive programming will be too expensive—either in terms of the time it costs them to implement the checks initially, or in the run-time costs that will be paid in checking assertions. These concerns are far too often misplaced. The time and money it costs society to repair faults in software suggests that we could all afford to have programs that run a little more slowly.

Finally, the implementer might even choose to eliminate the precondition and restate it as a postcondition:

(** [random_int bound] is a random integer between 0 (inclusive)
    and [bound] (exclusive).  Raises: [Invalid_argument "bound"]
    unless [bound] is greater than 0 and less than 2^30. *)

Now instead of being free to do whatever when bound is too big or too small, random_int must raise an exception. For this function, that's probably the best choice.

In this course, we're not going to force you to program defensively. But if you're savvy, you'll start (or continue) doing it anyway. The small amount of time you spend coding up such defenses will save you hours of time in debugging, making you a more productive programmer.

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