Example: Recursion Without Rec
Here's a neat trick that's possible with refs: we can build recursive functions
without ever using the keyword rec
. Suppose we want to define a recursive
function such as fact
let rec fact n =
if n = 0 then 1 else n * fact (n-1)
Abstracting a little, that function has the following form:
let rec f x =
... some code including a recursive call [f y] from some argument [y] ...
We can instead write the following:
let f0 =
ref (fun x -> x)
let f x =
... replace [f y] with [!f0 y] ...
let () = f0 := f
Now f
will compute the same result as it did in the version where we defined it
with rec
. What's happening here is sometimes called "tying the recursive knot":
we update the reference to f0
to point to f
, such that when f
dereferences f0
it gets itself back! The initial function to which we made f0
point (in this case
the identity function) doesn't really matter; it's just there as a placeholder until we
tie the knot.
Here's an example of that with the factorial function:
let fact0 =
ref (fun x -> x)
let fact n = (* note: no [rec] *)
if n = 0 then 1 else n * (!fact0) (n-1)
let () = fact0 := fact
let x = fact 5 (* ==> 120 *)