Parameterized Variants

Variant types may be parameterized on other types. For example, the intlist type above could be generalized to provide lists (coded up ourselves) over any type:

type 'a mylist = Nil | Cons of 'a * 'a mylist

let lst3 = Cons (3, Nil)  (* similar to [3] *)
let lst_hi = Cons ("hi", Nil)  (* similar to ["hi"] *)

Here, mylist is a type constructor but not a type: there is no way to write a value of type mylist. But we can write value of type int mylist (e.g., lst3) and string mylist (e.g., lst_hi). Think of a type constructor as being like a function, but one that maps types to types, rather than values to value.

Here are some functions over 'a mylist:

let rec length : 'a mylist -> int = function
  | Nil -> 0
  | Cons (_,t) -> 1 + length t

let empty : 'a mylist -> bool = function
  | Nil -> true
  | Cons _ -> false

Notice that the body of each function is unchanged from its previous definition for intlist. All that we changed was the type annotation. And that could even be omitted safely:

let rec length = function
  | Nil -> 0
  | Cons (_,t) -> 1 + length t

let empty = function
  | Nil -> true
  | Cons _ -> false

The functions we just wrote are an example of a language feature called parametric polymorphism. The functions don't care what the 'a is in 'a mylist, hence they are perfectly happy to work on int mylist or string mylist or any other (whatever) mylist. The word "polymorphism" is based on the Greek roots "poly" (many) and "morph" (form). A value of type 'a mylist could have many forms, depending on the actual type 'a.

As soon, though, as you place a constraint on what the type 'a might be, you give up some polymorphism. For example,

# let rec sum = function
  | Nil -> 0
  | Cons(h,t) -> h + sum t;;
val sum : int mylist -> int

The fact that we use the (+) operator with the head of the list constrains that head element to be an int, hence all elements must be int. That means sum must take in an int mylist, not any other kind of 'a mylist.

It is also possible to have multiple type parameters for a parameterized type, in which case parentheses are needed:

# type ('a,'b) pair = {first: 'a; second: 'b};;
# let x = {first=2; second="hello"};;
val x : (int, string) pair = {first = 2; second = "hello"}

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