
In Lwt, a promise is a write-once reference: a value that is permitted to mutate at most once. When created, it is like an empty box that contains nothing. We say that the promise is pending. Eventually the promise can be resolved, which is like putting something inside the box. Instead of being resolved, the promise can instead be rejected, in which case the box is filled with an exception. Regardless of whether the promise is resolved or rejected, once the box is filled, its contents may never change.

For now, we will mostly forget about concurrency. Later we'll come back and add incorporate it. But there is one part of the design for concurrency that we need to address now. When we later start using functions for OS-provided concurrency, such as concurrent reads and writes from files, there will need to be a division of responsibilities:

  • The client code that wants to make use of concurrency will need to access promises: query whether they are resolved or pending, and make use of the resolved values.

  • The library and OS code that implements concurrency will need to mutate the promise—that is, to actually resolve or reject it. Client code does not need that ability.

We therefore will introduce one additional abstraction called a resolver. There will be a one-to-one association between promises and resolvers. The resolver for a promise will be used internally by the concurrency library but not revealed to clients. The clients will only get access to the promise.

For example, suppose the concurrency library supported a operation to concurrently read a string from the network. The library would implement that operation as follows:

  • Create a new promise and its associated resolver. The promise is pending.

  • Call an OS function that will concurrently read the string then invoke the resolver on that string.

  • Return the promise (but not resolver) to the client. The OS meanwhile continues to work on reading the string.

You might think of the resolver as being a "private and writeable" value used primarily by the library and the promise as being a "public and read-only" value used primarily by the client.

Making Our Own Promises

Here is an interface for our own Lwt-style promises. The names have been changed to make the interface clearer.

(** A signature for Lwt-style promises, with better names *)
module type Promise = sig

  type 'a state = Pending | Resolved of 'a | Rejected of exn
  type 'a promise
  type 'a resolver

  (** [make ()] is a new promise and resolver. The promise is pending. *)
  val make : unit -> 'a promise * 'a resolver

  (** [return x] is a new promise that is already resolved with value [x]. *)
  val return : 'a -> 'a promise

  (** [state p] is the state of the promise *)
  val state : 'a promise -> 'a state

  (** [resolve r x] resolves the promise [p] associated with [r]
      with value [x], meaning that [state p] will become 
      [Resolved x].
      Requires:  [p] is pending. *)
  val resolve : 'a resolver -> 'a -> unit

  (** [reject r x] rejects the promise [p] associated with [r]
      with exception [x], meaning that [state p] will become
      [Rejected x].
      Requires:  [p] is pending. *)
  val reject : 'a resolver -> exn -> unit


To implement that interface, we can make the representation type of of 'a promise be a reference to a state:

type 'a promise = 'a state ref

That way it's possible to mutate the contents of the promise.

For the representation type of the resolver, we'll do something a little clever. It will simply be the same as a promise.

type 'a resolver = 'a promise

So internally, the two types are exactly the same. But externally no client of the Promise module will be able to distinguish them. In other words, we're using the type system to control whether it's possible to apply certain functions (e.g., state vs resolve) to a promise.

To help implement the rest of the functions, let's start by writing a helper function update : 'a promise -> 'a state -> unit to update the reference. This function will implement changing the state of the promise from pending to either resolved or rejected, and once the state has changed, it will not allow it to be changed again. In other words, update enforces the "write once" invariant.

(** [write_once p s] changes the state of [p] to be [s].  If [p] and [s]
    are both pending, that has no effect.
    Raises: [Invalid_arg] if the state of [p] is not pending. *)
let write_once p s = 
  if !p = Pending
  then p := s
  else invalid_arg "cannot write twice"

Using that helper, we can implement the make function:

let make () = 
  let p = ref Pending in
  p, p

The remaining functions in the interface are trivial to implement:

let return x = ref (Resolved x)
let state p = !p
let resolve r x = write_once r (Resolved x)
let reject r x = write_once r (Rejected x)

Lwt Promises

The types and names used in Lwt are a bit more obscure than those we used above. Lwt uses analogical terminology that comes from threads—but since Lwt does not actually implement threads, that terminology is not necessarily helpful. (We don't mean to demean Lwt! It is a library that has been developing and changing over time.)

The Lwt interface includes the following declarations, which we have annotated with comments to compare them to the interface we implemented above:

module type Lwt = sig
  (* [Sleep] means pending.  [Return] means resolved.
     [Fail] means rejected. *)
  type 'a state = Sleep | Return of 'a | Fail of exn

  (* a [t] is a promise *)
  type 'a t

  (* a [u] is a resolver *)
  type 'a u

  val state : 'a t -> 'a state

  (* [wakeup] means [resolve] *)
  val wakeup : 'a u -> 'a -> unit

  (* [wakeup_exn] means [reject] *)
  val wakeup_exn : 'a u -> exn -> unit

  (* [wait] means [make] *)
  val wait : unit -> 'a t * 'a u

  val return : 'a -> 'a t

Lwt's implementation of that interface is much more complex than our own implementation above, because Lwt actually supports many more operations on promises. Nonetheless, the core ideas that we developed above provide sound intuition for what Lwt implements.

Here is some example Lwt code that you can try out in utop:

# #require "lwt";;
# let p, r = Lwt.wait();;
val p : '_weak1 Lwt.t = <abstr>
val r : '_weak1 Lwt.u = <abstr>

The types you see there are weakly polymorphic types, as mentioned at the end of this section. We won't go into why such types are necessary. To avoid them, we can provide a further hint to OCaml as to what type we want to eventually put into the promise. For example, if we wanted to have a promise that will eventually contain an int, we could write this code:

let (p : int Lwt.t), r = Lwt.wait ();;
val p : int Lwt.t = <abstr>
val r : int Lwt.u = <abstr>

Now we can resolve the promise:

# Lwt.state p;;
- : int Lwt.state = Lwt.Sleep

# Lwt.wakeup r 42;;
- : unit = ()

# Lwt.state p;;
- : int Lwt.state = Lwt.Return 42

# Lwt.wakeup r 42;;
Exception: Invalid_argument "Lwt.wakeup".

That last exception was raised because we attempted to resolve the promise a second time, which is not permitted.

To reject a promise, we can write similar code:

# let (p : int Lwt.t), r = Lwt.wait ();;
val p : int Lwt.t = <abstr>
val r : int Lwt.u = <abstr>

# Lwt.wakeup_exn r (Failure "nope");;
- : unit = ()

# Lwt.state p;;
- : int Lwt.state = Lwt.Fail (Failure "nope")

Note that nothing we have implemented so far does anything concurrently. The promise abstraction by itself is not inherently concurrent. It's just a data structure that can be written at most once, and that provides a means to control who can write to it (through the resolver).

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