Modules and the Toplevel

There are several pragmatics involving modules and the toplevel that are important to master to use the two together effectively.

Loading Compiled Modules

Compiling an OCaml file produces a module having the same name as the file, but with the first letter capitalized. These compiled modules can be loaded into the toplevel using #load.

For example, suppose you create a file called, and put the following code in it:

let b = "bigred"
let inc x = x+1
module M = struct
  let y = 42

Then suppose you type ocamlbuild mods.byte to compile it. Inside the _build directory you will now find the files that ocamlbuild produced. One of them is mods.cmo: this is a compiled module object file, aka bytecode.

You can make this bytecode available for use in the toplevel with the following directives (recall that the # character is required in front of a directive, it is not part of the prompt):

# #directory "_build";;
# #load "mods.cmo";;

The first directive tells utop to add the _build directory to the path in which it looks for compiled (and source) files. The second directive loads the bytecode found in mods.cmo, thus making a module named Mods available to be used. Both of these expressions will therefore evaluate successfully:

# Mods.b;;
- : string = "bigred"

# Mods.M.y;;
- : int = 42

But this will fail:

# inc;;
Error: Unbound value inc

It fails because inc is in the namespace of Mods. Of course, if you open the module, you can directly name inc:

# open Mods;;
# inc;;
- : int -> int = <fun>

Initializing the Toplevel

If you are doing a lot of testing of a particular module, it can be annoying to have to type those directives (#directory and #load) every time you start utop. You really want to initialize the toplevel with some code as it launches, so that you don't have to keep typing that code.

The solution is to create a file in the working directory and call that file .ocamlinit. Note that the . at the front of that filename is required and makes it a hidden file that won't appear in directory listings unless explicitly requested (e.g., with ls -a). Everything in .ocamlinit will be processed by utop when it loads.

For example, suppose you create a file named .ocamlinit in the same directory as, and in that file put the following code:

#directory "_build";;
#load "mods.cmo";;
open Mods

Now restart utop. All the names defined in Mods will already be in scope. For example, these will both succeed:

# inc;;
- : int -> int = <fun>

# M.y;;
- : int = 42

Requiring Libraries

Suppose you were to add the following lines to the end of

open OUnit2
let test = "testb" >:: (fun _ -> assert_equal "bigred" b)

If you try to recompile the module with ocamlbuild mods.byte, it will fail. The problem is that you need to tell the build system to include the third-party library OUnit. Recompiling with ocamlbuild -pkg oUnit mods.byte will, as usual, succeed.

But if you restart utop, there will be an error message:

File ".ocamlinit", line 1:
Error: Reference to undefined global `OUnit2'

The problem is that the OUnit library hasn't been loaded into utop yet. It can be with the following directive:

#require "oUnit";;

Now you can successfully load your own module without getting an error.

#load "mods.cmo";;

Moreover, if you add that #require directive to .ocamlinit anywhere before the #load directive, the "undefined global" error will go away.


When compiling a file, the build system automatically figures out which other files it depends on, and recompiles those as necessary. The toplevel, however, is not as sophisticated: you have to make sure to load all the dependencies of a file.

Suppose you have a file named in the same directory as from above, and contains this code:

open Mods
let x = inc 0

If you run ocamlbuild -pkg oUnit mods2.byte, the compilation will succeed. You don't have to name mods.byte on the command line, even though depends on the module Mod. The build system is smart that way.

Also suppose that .ocamlinit contains exactly the following:

#directory "_build";;
#require "oUnit";;

If you restart utop and try to load mods2.cmo, you will get an error:

# #load "mods2.cmo";;
Error: Reference to undefined global `Mods'

The problem is that the toplevel does not automatically load the modules that Mods2 depends upon. There are two ways to solve this problem. First, you can manually load the dependencies, like this:

# #load "mods.cmo";;
# #load "mods2.cmo";;

Second, you could instead tell the toplevel to load Mods2 and recursively to load everything it depends on:

# #load_rec "mods2.cmo";;

And that is probably the better solution.

Load vs Use

There is a big difference between #load-ing a compiled module file and #use-ing an uncompiled source file. The former loads bytecode and makes it available for use. For example, loading mods.cmo caused the Mod module to be available, and we could access its members with expressions like Mod.b. The latter (#use) is textual inclusion: it's like typing the contents of the file directly into the toplevel. So using does not cause a Mod module to be available, and the definitions in the file can be accessed directly, e.g., b.

For example, in the following interaction, we can directly refer to b but cannot use the qualified name Mods.b:

# #use ""

# b;;
val b : string = "bigred"

# Mods.b;;
Error: Unbound module Mods

Whereas in this interaction the situation is reversed:

# #directory "_build";;
# #load "mods.cmo";;

# Mods.b;;
- : string = "bigred"

# b;;
Error: Unbound value b

So when you're using the toplevel to experiment with your code, it's often better to work with #load, because this accurately reflects how your modules interact with each other and with the outside world, rather than #use them.

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