Fold vs. Recursive vs. Library

We've now seen three different ways for writing functions that manipulate lists: directly as a recursive function that pattern matches against the empty list and against cons, using fold functions, and using other library functions. Let's try using each of those ways to solve a problem, so that we can appreciate them better.

Consider writing a function lst_and: bool list -> bool, such that lst_and [a1; ...; an] returns whether all elements of the list are true. That is, it evaluates the same as a1 && a2 && ... && an. When applied to an empty list, it evaluates to true.

Here are three possible ways of writing such a function. We give each way a slightly different function name for clarity.

let rec lst_and_rec = function
  | []   -> true
  | h::t -> h && lst_and_rec t

let lst_and_fold =
    List.fold_left (fun acc elt -> acc && elt) true

let lst_and_lib = 
    List.for_all (fun x -> x)

The worst-case running time of all three functions is linear in the length of the list. But the first function, lst_and_rec has the advantage that it need not process the entire list: it will immediately return false the first time they discover a false element in the list. The second function, lst_and_fold, will always process every element of the list. As for the third function lst_and_lib, according to its documentation it

returns (p a1) && (p a2) && ... && (p an).

So like lst_and_rec it need not process every element.

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