Functional Data Structures

A functional data structure is one that does not make use of any imperative features. That is, no operations of the data structure have any side effects. It's possible to build functional data structures both in functional languages and in imperative languages.

Functional data structures have the property of being persistent: updating the data structure with one of its operations does not change the existing version of the data structure but instead produces a new version. Both exist and both can still be accessed. A good language implementation will ensure that any parts of the data structure that are not changed by an operation will be shared between the old version and the new version. Any parts that do change will be copied so that the old version may persist. The opposite of a persistent data structure is an ephemeral data structure: changes are destructive, so that only one version exists at any time. Both persistent and ephemeral data structures can be built in both functional and imperative languages.

The ListStack module above is functional: the push and pop operations do not mutate the underlying list, but instead return a new list. We can see that in the following utop session (in which we assume the ListStack module has been defined as module ListStack = struct ..., without the module type annotation : Stack we added above):

# open ListStack;;

# let s = push 1 (push 2 empty);;
val s : int list = [1; 2] 

# let s' = pop s;;
val s' : int list = [2]  

# s;;
- : int list = [1; 2]

The value s is unchanged by the pop operation; both versions of the stack coexist.

The Stack module type gives us a strong hint that the data structure is functional in the types is provides for push and pop:

val push : 'a -> 'a stack -> 'a stack
val pop : 'a stack -> 'a stack

Both of those take a stack as an argument and return a new stack as a result. An ephemeral data structure usually would not bother to return a stack. In Java, for example, similar methods might return void; the equivalent in OCaml would be returning unit.

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