Programs as Specifications

We have just proved the correctness of an efficient implementation relative to an inefficient implementation. The inefficient implementation, sumto, serves as a specification for the efficient implementation, sumto_closed.

That technique is common in verifying functional programs: write an obviously correct implementation that is lacking in some desired property, such as efficiency, then prove that a better implementation is equal to the original.

Let's do another example of this kind of verification. This time, well use the factorial function.

The simple, obviously correct implementation of factorial would be:

let rec fact n =
  if n = 0 then 1
  else n * fact (n - 1)

A tail-recursive implementation would be more efficient about stack space:

let rec facti acc n =
  if n = 0 then acc
  else facti (acc * n) (n - 1) 

let fact_tr n = facti 1 n

The i in the name facti stands for iterative. We call this an iterative implementation because it strongly resembles how the same computation would be expressed using a loop (that is, an iteration construct) in an imperative language. For example, in Java we might write:

int facti (int n) {
  int acc = 1;
  while (n != 0) {
    acc *= n;
  return acc;

Both the OCaml and Java implementation of facti share these features:

  • they start acc at 1
  • they check whether n is 0
  • they multiply acc by n
  • they decrement n
  • they return the accumulator, acc

Let's try to prove that fact_tr correctly implements the same computation as fact.

Claim: forall n, fact n = fact_tr n

Since fact_tr n = facti 1 n, it suffices to show fact n = facti 1 n.

Proof: by induction on n.
P(n) = fact n = facti 1 n

Base case: n = 0
Show: fact 0 = facti 1 0

  fact 0
=   { evaluation }
=   { evaluation }
  facti 1 0

Inductive case: n = k + 1
Show: fact (k + 1) = facti 1 (k + 1)
IH: fact k = facti 1 k

  fact (k + 1)
=   { evaluation }
  (k + 1) * fact k
=   { IH }
  (k + 1) * facti 1 k

  facti 1 (k + 1)
=   { evaluation }
  facti (1 * (k + 1)) k
=   { evaluation }
  facti (k + 1) k

Unfortunately, we're stuck.  Neither side of what we want to show
can be manipulated any further.


We know that facti (k + 1) k and (k + 1) * facti 1 k should yield the same value. But the IH allows us only to use 1 as the second argument to facti, instead of a bigger argument like k + 1. So our proof went astray the moment we used the IH. We need a stronger inductive hypothesis!

So let's strengthen the claim we are making. Instead of showing that fact n = facti 1 n, we'll try to show forall p, p * fact n = facti p n.
That generalizes the k + 1 we were stuck on to an arbitrary quantity p.

Claim: forall n, forall p . p * fact n = facti p n

Proof: by induction on n.
P(n) = forall p, p * fact n = facti p n

Base case:  n = 0
Show: forall p,  p * fact 0 = facti p 0

  p * fact 0
=   { evaluation and algebra }
=   { evaluation }
  facti p 0

Inductive case: n = k + 1
Show: forall p,  p * fact (k + 1) = facti p (k + 1)
IH: forall p,  p * fact k = facti p k

  p * fact (k + 1)
=   { evaluation }
  p * (k + 1) * fact k
=   { IH, instantiating its p as p * (k + 1) }
  facti (p * (k + 1)) k

  facti p (k + 1)
=   { evaluation }
  facti (p * (k + 1)) k


Claim: forall n, fact n = fact_tr n


  fact n
=   { algebra }
  1 * fact n
=   { previous claim }
  facti 1 n
=   { evaluation }
  fact_tr n


That finishes our proof that the efficient, tail-recursive function fact_tr is equivalent to the simple, recursive function fact. In essence, we have proved the correctness of fact_tr using fact as its specification.

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