The Abstraction Principle

Above, we have exploited the structural similarity between quad and fourth to save work. Admittedly, in this toy example it might not seem like much work. But imagine that twice were actually some much more complicated function. Then if someone comes up with a more efficient version of it, every function written in terms of it (like quad and fourth) could benefit from that improvement in efficiency, without needing to be recoded.

Part of being an excellent programmer is recognizing such similarities and abstracting them by creating functions (or other units of code) that implement them. This is known as the Abstraction Principle, which says to avoid requiring something to be stated more than once; instead, factor out the recurring pattern.

Higher-order functions enable such refactoring, because they allow us to factor out functions and parameterize functions on other functions.

Besides twice, here are some more relatively simple examples.

Apply. We can write a function that applies its first input to its second input:

let apply f x = f x

Of course, writing apply f is a lot more work than just writing f.

Pipeline. The pipeline operator, which we've previously seen, is a higher-order function:

let pipeline x f = f x
let (|>) = pipeline
let x = 5 |> double  (* 10 *)

Compose. We can write a function that composes two other functions:

let compose f g x = f (g x)

This function would let us create a new function that can be applied many times, such as the following:

let square_then_double = compose double square
let x = square_then_double 1  (* 2 *)
let y = square_then_double 2  (* 8 *)

Both. We can write a function that applies two functions to the same argument and returns a pair of the result:

let both f g x = (f x, g x)
let ds = both double square
let p = ds 3  (* (6,9) *)

Cond. We can write a function that conditionally chooses which of two functions to apply based on a predicate:

let cond p f g x =
  if p x then f x else g x

Having seen some simpler examples, let's move on to some more complicated but really useful examples of higher-order functions.

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