Maps as Association Lists

The simplest implementation of a map in OCaml is as an association list. We've seen that implementation a number of times so far. So here it is, offered without further explanation:

module ListMap : Map = struct

  (** AF: [[(k1, v1); (k2, v2); ...; (kn, vn)]] is the map 
      {k1 : v1, k2 : v2, ..., kn : vn}.
      If a key appears more than once in the list, then in the map it is
      bound to the left-most occurrence in the list. For example,
      [[(k, v1); (k, v2)]] represents {k : v1}. The empty list represents
      the empty map.
      RI: none. *)
  type ('k,'v) t = ('k * 'v) list

  (** Efficiency: O(1). *)
  let insert k v m = 
    (k, v) :: m

  (** Efficiency: O(n). *)
  let find = List.assoc_opt

  (** Efficiency: O(n). *)
  let remove k lst = 
    List.filter (fun (k', _) -> k <> k') lst

  let empty = []

  (** Efficiency: O(1). *)  
  let of_list lst = 

  (** [keys m] is a list of the keys in [m], without
      any duplicates. 
      Efficiency: O(n log n). *)
  let keys m =
    m |> fst |> List.sort_uniq

  (** [binding m k] is [(k, v)], where [v] is the value that [k]
       binds in [m].
       Requires: [k] is a key in [m]. 
       Efficiency: O(n). *)
  let binding m k = 
    (k, List.assoc k m)

  (** Efficiency: O(n log n) + O(n) * O(n), which is O(n^2). *)
  let bindings m = (binding m) (keys m)


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