Designing Algebraic Specifications

For both stacks and queues we provided some equations as the specification. Designing those equations is, in part, a matter of thinking hard about the data structure. But there's more to it than that.

Every value of the data structure is constructed with some operations. For a stack, those operations are empty and push. There might be some pop operations involved, but those can be eliminated. For example, pop (push 1 (push 2 empty)) is really the same stack as push 2 empty. The latter is the canonical form of that stack: there are many other ways to construct it, but that is the simplest. Indeed, every possible stack value can be constructed just with empty and push. Similarly, every possible queue value can be constructed just with empty and enq: if there are deq operations involved, those can be eliminated.

Let's categorize the operations of a data structure as follows:

  • Generators are those operations involved in creating a canonical form. They return a value of the data structure type. For example, empty, push, enq.

  • Manipulators are operations that create a value of the data structure type, but are not needed to create canonical forms. For example, pop, deq.

  • Queries do not return a value of the data structure type. For example, is_empty, peek, front.

Given such a categorization, we can design the equational specification of a data structure by applying non-generators to generators. For example: What does is_empty return on empty? on push? What does front return on enq? What does deq return on enq? etc.

So if there are n generators and m non-generators of a data structure, we would begin by trying to create n*m equations, one for each pair of a generator and non-generator. Each equation would show how to simplify an expression. In some cases we might need a couple equations, depending on the result of some comparison. For example, in the queue specification, we have the following equations:

  1. is_empty empty = true: this is a non-generator is_empty applied to a generator empty. It reduces just to a Boolean value, which doesn't involve the data structure type (queues) at all.

  2. is_empty (enq x q) = false: a non-generator is_empty applied to a generator enq. Again it reduces simply to a Boolean value.

  3. There are two subcases.

    • front (enq x q) = x, if is_empty q = true. A non-generator front applied to a generator enq. It reduces to x, which is a smaller expression than the original front (enq x q).
    • front (enq x q) = front q, if is_empty q = false. This similarly reduces to a smaller expression.
  4. Again, there are two subcases.

    • deq (enq x q) = empty, if is_empty q = true. This simplifies the original expression by reducing it to empty.
    • deq (enq x q) = enq x (deq q), if is_empty q = false. This simplifies the original expression by reducing it to an generator applied to a smaller argument, deq q instead of deq (enq x q).

We don't usually design equations involving pairs of non-generators. Sometimes pairs of generators are needed, though, as we will see in the next example.

Example: Sets

Here is a small interface for sets:

module type Set = sig
  type 'a t
  val empty : 'a t
  val is_empty : 'a t -> bool
  val add : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
  val mem : 'a -> 'a t -> bool
  val remove : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t

The generators are empty and add. The only manipulator is remove. Finally, is_empty and mem are queries. So we should expect at least 2 * 3 = 6 equations, one for each pair of generator and non-generator. Here is an equational specification:

1.  is_empty empty = true
2.  is_empty (add x s) = false
3.  mem x empty = false
4a. mem y (add x s) = true                    if x = y
4b. mem y (add x s) = mem y s                 if x <> y
5.  remove x empty = empty
6a. remove y (add x s) = remove y s           if x = y
6b. remove y (add x s) = add x (remove y s)   if x <> y

Consider, though, these two sets:

  • add 0 (add 1 empty)
  • add 1 (add 0 empty)

They both intuitively represent the set {0,1}. Yet, we cannot prove that those two sets are equal using the above specification. We are missing an equation involving two generators:

7.  add x (add y s) = add y (add x s)

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