Asynchronous I/O

Now that we understand promises as a data abstraction, let's turn to how they can be used for concurrency. The typical way they're used with Lwt is for concurrent input and output (I/O).

Synchronous I/O

The I/O functions that are part of the OCaml standard library are synchronous aka blocking: when you call such a function, it does not return until the I/O has been completed. "Synchronous" here refers to the synchronization between your code and the I/O function: your code does not get to execute again until the I/O code is done. "Blocking" refers to the fact that your code has to wait—it is blocked—until the I/O completes.

For example, the Stdlib.input_line : in_channel -> string function reads characters from an input channel until it reaches a newline character, then returns the characters it read. The type in_channel is abstract; it represents a source of data that can be read, such as a file, or the network, or the keyboard. The value Stdlib.stdin : in_channel represents the standard input channel, which is the channel which usually, by default, provides keyboard input.

If you run the following code, you will observe the blocking behavior:

# ignore(input_line stdin); print_endline "done";;
<type your own input here>
- : unit = ()

The string "done" is not printed until after the input operation completes, which happens after you type Enter.

Synchronous I/O makes it impossible for a program to carry on other computations while it is waiting for the I/O operation to complete. For some programs that's just fine. A text adventure game, for example, doesn't have any background computations it needs to perform. But other programs, like spreadsheets or servers, would be improved by being able to carry on computations in the background rather than having to completely block while waiting for input.

Asynchronous I/O

Asynchronous aka non-blocking I/O is the opposite style of I/O. Asynchronous I/O operations return immediately, regardless of whether the input or output has been completed. That enables a program to launch an I/O operation, carry on doing other computations, and later come back to make use of the completed operation.

The Lwt library provides its own I/O functions in the Lwt_io module, which is in the lwt.unix package. The function Lwt_io.read_line : Lwt_io.input_channel -> string Lwt.t is the asynchronous equivalent of Stdlib.input_line. Similarly, Lwt_io.input_channel is the equivalent of the OCaml standard library's in_channel, and Lwt_io.stdin represents the standard input channel.

Run this code to observe the non-blocking behavior:

# #require "lwt.unix";;
# open Lwt_io;;
# ignore(read_line stdin); printl "done";;
- : unit = ()
# <type your own input here>

The string "done" is printed immediately by Lwt_io.printl, which is Lwt's equivalent of Stdlib.print_endline, before you even type. Note that it's best to use just one library's I/O functions, rather than mix them together.

When you do type your input, you don't see it echoed to the screen, because it's happening in the background. Utop is still executing—it is not blocked—but your input is being sent to that read_line function instead of to utop. When you finally type Enter, the input operation completes, and you are back to interacting with utop.

Now imagine that instead of reading a line asynchronously, the program was a web server reading a file to be served to a client. And instead of printing a string, the server was delivering the contents of a different file that had completed reading to a different client. That's why asynchronous I/O can be so useful: it helps to hide latency. Here, "latency" means waiting for data to be transfered from one place to another, e.g., from disk to memory. Latency hiding is an excellent use for concurrency.

Note that all the concurrency here is really coming from the operating system, which is what provides the underlying asynchronous I/O infrastructure. Lwt is just exposing that infrastructure to you through a library.

Promises and Asynchronous I/O

The output type of Lwt_io.read_line is string Lwt.t, meaning that the function returns a string promise. Let's investigate how the state of that promise evolves.

When the promise is returned from read_line, it is pending:

# let p = read_line stdin in Lwt.state p;;
- : string Lwt.state = Lwt.Sleep
# <now you have to type input and Enter to regain control of utop>

When the Enter key is pressed and input is completed, the promise returned from read_line should become resolved. For example, suppose you enter "Camels are bae":

# let p = read_line stdin;;
val p : string Lwt.t = <abstr>
<now you type Camels are bae followed by Enter>
# p;;
- : string = "Camels are bae"

But, if you study that output carefully, you'll notice something very strange just happened! After the let statement, p had type string Lwt.t, as expected. But when we evaluated p, it came back as type string. It's as if the promise disappeared.

What's actually happening is that utop has some special—and potentially confusing—functionality built into it that is related to Lwt. Specifically, whenever you try to directly evaluate a promise at the top level, utop will give you the contents of the promise, rather than the promise itself, and if the promise is not yet resolved, utop will block until the promise becomes resolved so that the contents can be returned.

So the output - : string = "Camels are bae" really means that p contains a resolved string whose value is "Camels are bae", not that p itself is a string. Indeed, the #show_val directive will show us that p is a promise:

# #show_val p;;
val p : string Lwt.t

To disable that feature of utop, or to reenable it, call the function UTop.set_auto_run_lwt : bool -> unit, which changes how utop evaluates Lwt promises at the top level. You can see the behavior change in the following code:

# UTop.set_auto_run_lwt false;;
- : unit = ()
<now you type Camels are bae followed by Enter>
# p;;
- : string Lwt.state = <abstr>
# Lwt.state p;;
- : string Lwt.state = Lwt.Return "Camels are bae"

If you reenable this "auto run" feature, and directly try to evaluate the promise returned by read_line, you'll see that it behaves exactly like synchronous I/O, i.e., Stdlib.input_line:

# UTop.set_auto_run_lwt true;;
- : unit = ()
# read_line stdin;;
Camels are bae
- : string = "Camels are bae"

Because of the potential confusion, we will henceforth assume that auto running is disabled. A good way to make that happen is to put the following line in your .ocamlinit file:

UTop.set_auto_run_lwt false;;

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