Refs: Syntax and Semantics

The semantics of refs is based on locations in memory. Locations are values that can be passed to and returned from functions. But unlike other values (e.g., integers, variants), there is no way to directly write a location in an OCaml program. That's different than languages like C, in which programmers can directly write memory addresses and do arithmetic on pointers. C programmers want that kind of low-level access to do things like interface with hardware and build operating systems. Higher-level programmers are willing to forego it to get memory safety. That's a hard term to define, but according to Hicks 2014 it intuitively means that

  • pointers are only created in a safe way that defines their legal memory region,

  • pointers can only be dereferenced if they point to their allotted memory region,

  • that region is (still) defined.

Syntax and Dynamic Semantics


  • Ref creation: ref e

  • Ref assignment: e1 := e2

  • Dereference: !e

Dynamic semantics.

  • To evaluate ref e,

    • Evaluate e to a value v

    • Allocate a new location loc in memory to hold v

    • Store v in loc

    • Return loc

  • To evaluate e1 := e2,

    • Evaluate e2 to a value v, and e1 to a location loc.

    • Store v in loc.

    • Return (), i.e., unit.

  • To evaluate !e,

    • Evaluate e to a location loc.

    • Return the contents of loc.

Static Semantics

We have a new type constructor, ref, such that t ref is a type for any type t. Note that the ref keyword is used in two ways: as a type constructor, and as an expression that constructs refs.

  • ref e : t ref if e : t.

  • e1 := e2 : unit if e1 : t ref and e2 : t.

  • !e : t if e : t ref.

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