
OCaml provides a tool called OCamldoc that works a lot like Java's Javadoc tool: it extracts specially formatted comments from source code and renders them as HTML, making it easy for programmers to read documentation.

How to document

Here's an example of an OCamldoc comment:

(** [sum lst] is the sum of the elements of [lst]. *)
let rec sum lst = ...
  • The double asterisk is what causes the comment to be recognized as an OCamldoc comment.

  • The square brackets around parts of the comment mean that those parts should be rendered in HTML as typewriter font rather than the regular font.

Also like Javadoc, OCamldoc supports documentation tags, such as @author, @deprecated, @param, @return, etc. For example, in the first line of most programming assignments, we ask you to complete a comment like this:

(** @author Your Name (your netid) *)

For the full range of possible markup inside a OCamldoc comment, see the OCamldoc manual. But what we've covered here is good enough for most documentation that you'll need to write.

What to document

The documentation style we favor in this course resembles that of the OCaml standard library: concise and declarative. As an example, let's revisit the documentation of sum:

(** [sum lst] is the sum of the elements of [lst]. *)
let rec sum lst = ...

That comment starts with sum lst, which is an example application of the function to an argument. The comment continues with the word "is", thus declaratively describing the result of the application. (The word "returns" could be used instead, but "is" emphasizes the mathematical nature of the function.) That description uses the name of the argument, lst, to explain the result.

Note how there is no need to add tags to redundantly describe parameters or return values, as is often done with Javadoc. Everything that needs to be said has already been said. We strongly discourage documentation like the following:

(** Sum a list.
    @param lst The list to be summed.
    @return The sum of the list. *)
let rec sum lst = ...

That poor documentation takes three needlessly hard-to-read lines to say the same thing as the limpid one-line version.

There are two ways we might improve the documentation we have so far. One is to explicitly state what happens with empty lists:

(** [sum lst] is the sum of the elements of [lst]. 
    The sum of an empty list is 0. *)
let rec sum lst = ...

The second is to clarify the type of the arguments in the documentation, as follows:

(** [sum lst] is the sum of the elements of list [lst]. 
    The sum of an empty list is 0. *)
let rec sum lst = ...

Since the variable name lst is so naturally read as a list, this usage might be overkill. But in the examples in the next section, providing that extra clarification will be useful.

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