A Type Checker for SimPL
Let's implement a type checker for SimPL, based on the type system we defined in the previous section.
We need a variant to represent types:
type typ =
| TInt
| TBool
The natural name for that variant would of course have been
"type" not "typ", but the former is already a keyword in OCaml.
We have to prefix the constructors with "T" to disambiguate
them from the constructors of the expr
type, which include
and Bool
Let's introduce a small signature for typing contexts, based on the abstractions we've introduced so far: the empty context, looking up a variable, and extending a context.
module type Context = sig
(** [t] is the type of a context. *)
type t
(** [empty] is the empty context. *)
val empty : t
(** [lookup ctx x] gets the binding of [x] in [ctx].
Raises: [Failure] if [x] is not bound in [ctx]. *)
val lookup : t -> string -> typ
(** [extend ctx x ty] is [ctx] extended with a binding
of [x] to [ty]. *)
val extend : t -> string -> typ -> t
It's easy to implement that signature with an association list.
module Context : Context = struct
type t = (string * typ) list
let empty = []
let lookup ctx x =
try List.assoc x ctx
with Not_found -> failwith "Unbound variable"
let extend ctx x ty =
(x, ty) :: ctx
The Typing Relation
Now we can implement the typing relation |-
. We'll do that
by writing a function typeof : Context.t -> expr -> typ
such that typeof ctx e = t
if and only if ctx |- e : t
Note that the typeof
function produces the type as output,
so the function is actually inferring the type!
That inference is easy for SimPL; it would be considerably harder
for larger languages.
Let's start with the base cases:
open Context
(** [typeof ctx e] is the type of [e] in context [ctx].
Raises: [Failure] if [e] is not well typed in [ctx]. *)
let rec typeof ctx = function
| Int _ -> TInt
| Bool _ -> TBool
| Var x -> lookup ctx x
Note how the implementation of typeof
so far is based on the rules
we previously defined for |-
. In particular:
is a recursive function, just as|-
is an inductive relation.- The base cases for the recursion of
are the same as the base cases for|-
Also note how the implementation of typeof
differs in one major
way from the definition of |-
: error handling. The type system
didn't say what to do about errors; rather, it just defined what
it meant to be well typed. The type checker, on the other hand,
needs to take action and report ill typed programs. Our typeof
function does that by raising exceptions. The lookup
in particular, will raise an exception if we attempt to lookup
a variable that hasn't been bound in the context.
Let's continue with the recursive cases:
| Let (x, e1, e2) -> typeof_let ctx x e1 e2
| Binop (bop, e1, e2) -> typeof_bop ctx bop e1 e2
| If (e1, e2, e3) -> typeof_if ctx e1 e2 e3
We're factoring out a helper function for each branch for the sake
of keeping the pattern match readable. Each of the helpers
directly encodes the ideas of the |-
rules, with error handling
and typeof_let ctx x e1 e2 =
let t1 = typeof ctx e1 in
let ctx' = extend ctx x t1 in
typeof ctx' e2
and typeof_bop ctx bop e1 e2 =
let t1, t2 = typeof ctx e1, typeof ctx e2 in
match bop, t1, t2 with
| Add, TInt, TInt
| Mult, TInt, TInt -> TInt
| Leq, TInt, TInt -> TBool
| _ -> failwith "Operator and operand type mismatch"
and typeof_if ctx e1 e2 e3 =
if typeof ctx e1 = TBool
then begin
let t2 = typeof ctx e2 in
if t2 = typeof ctx e3 then t2
else failwith "Branches of if must have same type"
else failwith "Guard of if must have type bool"
Note how the recursive calls in the implementation of typeof
exactly in the same places where the definition of |-
Type Checking
Finally, we can implement a function to check whether an expression is well typed:
(** [typecheck e] checks whether [e] is well typed in
the empty context. Raises: [Failure] if not. *)
let typecheck e =
ignore (typeof empty e)