
For a program to benefit from the concurrency provided by asynchronous I/O and promises, there needs to be a way for the program to make use of resolved promises. For example, if a web server is asynchronously reading and serving multiple files to multiple clients, the server needs a way to (i) become aware that a read has completed, and (ii) then do a new asynchronous write with the result of the read. In other words, programs need a mechanism for managing the dependencies among promises.

The mechanism provided in Lwt is named callbacks. A callback is a function that will be run sometime after a promise has been resolved, and it will receive as input the contents of the resolved promise. Think of it like asking your friend to do some work for you: they promise to do it, and to call you back on the phone with the result of the work sometime after they've finished.

Registering a Callback

Here is a function that prints a string using Lwt's version of the printf function:

let print_the_string str = Lwt_io.printf "The string is: %S\n" str

And here, repeated from the previous section, is our code that returns a promise for a string read from standard input:

let p = read_line stdin

To register the printing function as a callback for that promise, we use the function Lwt.bind, which binds the callback to the promise:

Lwt.bind p print_the_string

Sometime after p is resolved, hence contains a string, the callback function will be run with that string as its input. That causes the string to be printed.

Here's a complete utop transcript as an example of that:

# let print_the_string str = Lwt_io.printf "The string is: %S\n" str;;
val print_the_string : string -> unit Lwt.t = <fun>
# let p = read_line stdin in Lwt.bind p print_the_string;;
- : unit Lwt.t = <abstr>
  <type Camels are bae followed by Enter>
# The string is: "Camels are bae"


The type of Lwt.bind is important to understand:

'a Lwt.t -> ('a -> 'b Lwt.t) -> 'b Lwt.t

The bind function takes a promise as its first argument. It doesn't matter whether that promise has been resolved yet or not. As its second argument, bind takes a callback function. That callback takes an input which is the same type 'a as the contents of the promise. It's not an accident that they have the same type: the whole idea is to eventually run the callback on the resolved promise, so the type the promise contains needs to be the same as the type the callback expects as input.

After being invoked on a promise and callback, e.g., bind p c, the bind function does one of three things, depending on the state of p:

  • If p is already resolved, then c is run immediately on the contents of p. The promise that is returned might or might not be pending, depending on what c does.

  • If p is already rejected, then c does not run. The promise that is returned is also rejected, with the same exception as p.

  • If p is pending, then bind does not wait for p to be resolved, nor for c to be run. Rather, bind just registers the callback to eventually be run when (or if) the promise is resolved. Therefore the bind function returns a new promise. That promise will become resolved when (or if) the callback completes running, sometime in the future. Its contents will be whatever contents are contained within the promise that the callback itself returns.

(For the first case above: The Lwt source code claims that this behavior might change in a later version: under high load, c might be registered to run later. But as of v4.1.0 that behavior has not yet been activated. So, don't worry about it—this paragraph is just here to future-proof this discussion.)

Let's consider that final case in more detail. We have one promise of type 'a Lwt.t and two promises of type 'b Lwt.t:

  • The promise of type 'a Lwt.t, call it promise X, is an input to bind. It was pending when bind was called, and when bind returns.

  • The first promise of type 'b Lwt.t, call it promise Y, is created by bind and returned to the user. It is pending at that point.

  • The second promise of type 'b Lwt.t, call it promise Z, has not yet been created. It will be created later, when promise X has been resolved, and the callback has been run on the contents of X. The callback then returns promise Z. There is no guarantee about the state of Z; it might well still be pending when returned by the callback.

  • When Z is finally resolved, the contents of Y are updated to be the same as the contents of Z.

The reason why bind is designed with this type is so that programmers can set up a sequential chain of callbacks. For example, the following code asynchronously reads one string; then when that string has been read, proceeds to asynchronously read a second string; then prints the concatenation of both strings:

Lwt.bind (read_line stdin) (fun s1 -> 
  Lwt.bind (read_line stdin) (fun s2 -> 
    Lwt_io.printf "%s\n" (s1^s2)));;

If you run that in utop, something slightly confusing will happen again: after you press Enter at the end of the first string, Lwt will allow utop to read one character. The problem is that we're mixing Lwt input operations with utop input operations. It would be better to just create a program and run it from the command line.

To do that, put the following code in a file called

open Lwt_io

let p = 
  Lwt.bind (read_line stdin) (fun s1 -> 
    Lwt.bind (read_line stdin) (fun s2 -> 
      Lwt_io.printf "%s\n" (s1^s2))))

let _ = p

We've added one new function: : 'a Lwt.t -> 'a. It waits for its input promise to be resolved, then returns the contents. Typically this function is called only once in an entire program, near the end of the main file; and the input to it is typically a promise whose resolution indicates that all execution is finished. Without that function, the program above would immediately terminate. (Try it yourself to see.)

Now compile the file, linking the Lwt_unix package, and run the program:

$ ocamlbuild -pkg lwt.unix read2.byte
$ ./read2.byte
My first string
My second string
My first stringMy second string

Bind as an Operator

There is another syntax for bind that is used far more frequently than what we have seen so far. The Lwt.Infix module defines an infix operator written >>= that is the same as bind. That is, instead of writing bind p c you write p >>= c. This operator makes it much easier to write code without all the extra parentheses and indentations that our previous example had:

open Lwt_io
open Lwt.Infix

let p = 
  read_line stdin >>= fun s1 -> 
  read_line stdin >>= fun s2 -> 
  Lwt_io.printf "%s\n" (s1^s2)

let _ = p

The way to visually parse the definition of p is to look at each line as computing some promised value. The first line, read_line stdin >>= fun s1 -> means that a promise is created, resolved, and its contents extracted under the name s1. The second line means the same, except that its contents are named s2. The third line creates a final promise whose contents are eventually extracted by, at which point the program may terminate.

The >>= operator is perhaps most famous from the functional language Haskell, which uses it extensively for monads. We'll cover monads as our next major topic.

Bind as Let Syntax

There is a syntax extension for OCaml that makes using bind even simpler than the infix operator >>=. To install the syntax extension, run the following command:

$ opam install lwt_ppx

(You might need to opam update followed by opam upgrade first.)

With that extension, you can use a specialized let expression written let%lwt x = e1 in e2, which is equivalent to bind e1 (fun x -> e2) or e1 >>= fun x -> e2. We can rewrite our running example as follows:

(* compile with:
   ocamlbuild -use-ocamlfind -pkgs lwt.unix,lwt_ppx -tag thread read2.byte *)
open Lwt_io

let p = 
  let%lwt s1 = read_line stdin in
  let%lwt s2 = read_line stdin in
  Lwt_io.printf "%s\n" (s1^s2)

let _ = p

Now the code looks pretty much exactly like what its equivalent synchronous version would be. But don't be fooled: all the asynchronous I/O, the promises, and the callbacks are still there. Thus, the evaluation of p first registers a callback with a promise, then moves on to the the evaluation of without waiting for the first string to finish being read. To prove that to yourself, run the following code:

open Lwt_io

let p = 
  let%lwt s1 = read_line stdin in
  let%lwt s2 = read_line stdin in
  Lwt_io.printf "%s\n" (s1^s2)

let _ = Lwt_io.printf "Got here first\n"

let _ = p

You'll see that "Got here first" prints before you get a chance to enter any input.

Concurrent Composition

The Lwt.bind function provides a way to sequentially compose callbacks: first one callback is run, then another, then another, and so forth. There are other functions in the library for composition of many callbacks as a set. For example,

  • Lwt.join : unit Lwt.t list -> unit Lwt.t enables waiting upon multiple promises. Lwt.join ps returns a promise that is pending until all the promises in ps become resolved. You might register a callback on the return promise from the join to take care of some computation that needs all of a set of promises to be finished.

  • Lwt.pick : 'a Lwt.t list -> 'a Lwt.t also enables waiting upon multiple promises, but Lwt.pick ps returns a promise that is pending until at least one promise in ps becomes resolved. You might register a callback on the return promise from the pick to take care of some computation that needs just one of a set of promises to be finished, but doesn't care which one.

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