Fold with Trees
Speaking of recursing other data structures, here's how we could program a fold over a binary tree. Here's our tree data structure:
type 'a tree =
| Leaf
| Node of 'a * 'a tree * 'a tree
Let's develop a fold functional for 'a tree
similar to our
over 'a list
. Recall what we said above: "One way to
think of fold_right
would be that the []
value in the list gets
replaced by init
, and each ::
constructor gets replaced by op
. For
example, [a;b;c]
is just syntactic sugar for a::(b::(c::[]))
. So if
we replace []
with 0
and ::
with (+)
, we get a+(b+(c+0))
Here's a way we could rewrite fold_right
that will help us think a little
more clearly:
type 'a list =
| Nil
| Cons of 'a * 'a list
let rec foldlist init op = function
| Nil -> init
| Cons (h,t) -> op h (foldlist init op t)
All we've done is to change the definition of lists to use constructors written with alphabetic characters instead of punctuation, and to change the argument order of the fold function.
For trees, we'll want the initial value to replace each Leaf
constructor, just like it replaced []
in lists. And we'll want each
constructor to be replaced by the operator. But now the operator
will need to be ternary instead of binary—that is, it will
need to take three arguments instead of two—because a tree node
has a value, a left child, and a right child, whereas a list cons had
only a head and a tail.
Inspired by those observations, here is the fold function on trees:
let rec foldtree init op = function
| Leaf -> init
| Node (v,l,r) -> op v (foldtree init op l) (foldtree init op r)
If you compare that function to foldlist
, you'll note it very nearly identical.
There's just one more recursive call in the second pattern-matching branch,
corresponding to the one more occurrence of 'a tree
in the definition of that type.
We can then use foldtree
to implement some of the tree functions we've previously seen:
let size t = foldtree 0 (fun _ l r -> 1 + l + r) t
let depth t = foldtree 0 (fun _ l r -> 1 + max l r) t
let preorder t = foldtree [] (fun x l r -> [x] @ l @ r) t