Example: Sets

Here is a signature for sets:

module type Set = sig
  type 'a t

  (* [empty] is the empty set *)
  val empty : 'a t

  (* [mem x s] holds iff [x] is an element of [s] *)
  val mem   : 'a -> 'a t -> bool

  (* [add x s] is the set [s] unioned with the set containing exactly [x] *)
  val add   : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t

  (* [elts s] is a list containing the elements of [s].  No guarantee
   * is made about the ordering of that list. *)
  val elts  : 'a t -> 'a list

There are many other operations a set data structure might be expected to support, but these will suffice for now.

Here's an implementation of that interface using a list to represent the set. This implementation ensures that the list never contains any duplicate elements, since sets themselves do not:

module ListSetNoDups : Set = struct
  type 'a t   = 'a list
  let empty   = []
  let mem     = List.mem
  let add x s = if mem x s then s else x::s
  let elts s  = s

Note how add ensures that the representation never contains any duplicates, so the implementation of elts is quite easy. Of course, that makes the implementation of add linear time, which is not ideal. But if we want high-performance sets, lists are not the right representation anyway; there are much better data structures for sets, which you might see in an upper-level algorithms course.

Here's a second implementation, which permits duplicates in the list:

module ListSetDups : Set = struct
  type 'a t   = 'a list
  let empty   = []
  let mem     = List.mem
  let add x s = x::s
  let elts s  = List.sort_uniq Stdlib.compare s

In that implementation, the add operation is now constant time, and the elts operation is linearithmic time.

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