Pattern Matching with Let

The syntax we've been using so far for let expressions is, in fact, a special case of the full syntax that OCaml permits. That syntax is:

let p = e1 in e2

That is, the left-hand side of the binding may in fact be a pattern, not just an identifier. Of course, variable identifiers are on our list of valid patterns, so that's why the syntax we've studied so far is just a special case.

Given this syntax, we revisit the semantics of let expressions.

Dynamic semantics.

To evaluate let p = e1 in e2:

  1. Evaluate e1 to a value v1.

  2. Match v1 against pattern p. If it doesn't match, raise the exception Match_failure. Otherwise, if it does match, it produces a set bb of bindings.

  3. Substitute those bindings bb in e2, yielding a new expression e2'.

  4. Evaluate e2' to a value v2.

  5. The result of evaluating the let expression is v2.

Static semantics.

  • If all the following hold:

    • e1:t1
    • the pattern variables in p are x1..xn
    • e2:t2 under the assumption that for all i in 1..n it holds that xi:ti,

    then (let p = e1 in e2) : t2.

Let definitions.

As before, let definitions can be understood as let expression whose body has not yet been given. So their syntax can be generalized to

let p = e

and their semantics follow from the semantics of let expressions, as before.

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