Functor Syntax

In the functor syntax we've been using:

module F (M : S) = struct

the type annotation : S and the parentheses around it, (M : S) are required. The reason why is that type inference of the signature of a functor input is not supported.

Much like functions, functors can be written anonymously. The following two syntaxes for functors are equivalent:

module F (M : S) = struct

module F = functor (M : S) -> struct

The second form uses the functor keyword to create an anonymous functor, like how the fun keyword creates an anonymous function.

And functors can be parameterized on multiple structures:

module F (M1 : S1) ... (Mn : Sn) = struct

Of course, that's just syntactic sugar for a higher-order functor that takes a structure as input and returns an anonymous functor:

module F = functor (M1 : S1) -> ... -> functor (Mn : Sn) -> struct

If you want to specify the output type of a functor, the syntax is again similar to functions:

module F (M : Si) : So = struct

It's also possible to write the type annotation on the structure:

module F (M : Si) = (struct
end : So)

In that case, note that the parentheses around the anonymous structure are required. It turns out that syntax parallels a similar syntax for functions that we just haven't used before:

let f x = (x+1 : int)

The syntax for writing down the type of a functor is also much like the syntax for writing down the type of a function. Here is the type of a functor that takes a structure matching signature Si as input and returns a structure matching So:

functor (M : Si) -> So

If you wanted to annotate a functor definition with a type you can combine a couple of the syntaxes we've now seen:

module F : functor (M : Si) -> So = 
  functor (M : Si) -> struct ... end

The first occurrence of functor in that code means that what follows is a functor type, and the second occurrence means that what follows is an anonymous functor value.

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