CS611 Fall 2006 Schedule

This schedule is subject to change and is only intended as a rough guide.

# Date Topic Readings Notes Homework
Operational Semantics and Proof Techniques
1 Aug 25 Course introduction P1,2  PDFLaTeX ] handout: PS1
  28 SML tutorial Executable SML tutorial, SML cheatsheet [PDF]  
2 30 Lambda calculus P5.1–5.2  PDF | LaTeX ]
3 Sep 1 Normal forms P3.1,3.2,3.4,3.5  PDFLaTeX ]
  4 No class: Labor Day
4 6 Lambda calculus encodings and recursion P5.3–5.4  PDFLaTeX ] due: PS1
5 8 Big-step vs. small-step SOS P3.3,3.6,W2  PDF | LaTeX ]
6 11

Well-founded induction and function definitions

W3.1–3.3  PDFLaTeX ] handout: PS2
7 13 Inductive definitions and rule induction W4.1–4.4, P21.1  PDFLaTeX ]
8 15 Evaluation contexts    PDFLaTeX ]
Language Features
9 18 Semantics via translation    PDFLaTeX ]
10 20 uML, strong typing, scope    PDFLaTeX ]
11 22 Computing with Closures TG7  PDFLaTeX ]
12 25 Modules and State TG8  PDFLaTeX ] due: PS2
13 27 Predicate transformers Predicate Transformers (Dijkstra) (W6)  PDFLaTeX ]
14 29 Weakest liberal preconditions, Hoare logic 10 Years of Hoare's Logic, §1,2 (Apt), (W7)  PDFLaTeX ] handout: PS3
15 Oct 2 Semantics and completeness of Hoare logic Notes on propositional Hoare logic (Tiuryn)  PDFLaTeX ]
16 4 Kleene algebra and Dynamic Logic    PDF | LaTeX ]
17 6 CPS conversion    PDFLaTeX ]
  9 No class: fall break    
18 11 Continuations and exceptions    PDFLaTeX ]
Denotational (Fixpoint) Semantics
19 13 Denotational semantics of IMP W5.1–5.2  PDFLaTeX ]
20 16 Metalanguage and domain constructions W5.3–5.4, W8.1–4  PDFLaTeX ]
21 18 Denotational semantics of REC W9.1–3,5–6  PDFLaTeX ]
22 20 Scott's Dinfinity construction Lambda-logic (Rudin)  PDFLaTeX ] due: PS3
Static Semantics
23 23 Typed lambda calculus P8.1–2, P9.1–2, P9.5–9.6, P10.1–3, W11.1–3  PDFLaTeX ] handout: PS4
Oct 24 Prelim, 7:30–9:30pm, Upson 205 See CMS for sample prelim
24 25 Soundness of the typing rules P8.3, P9.3, (W11.9)  PDFLaTeX ]
25 27 Products, sums, and other data types P11.1–10, (W11.11)  PDFLaTeX ]
  30 Continuation of last class    
26 Nov 1 Strong Normalization P12, (W11.4–8)  PDFLaTeX ]
  3 No class    
27 6 Type inference and unification P22.1–5  [typeCheck.sml] PDFLaTeX ]
28 8 The Polymorphic Lambda-Calculus P22.6–7, P23 PDFLaTeX ]
29 10 Continuation of last class    
30 13 Propositions as Types Wadler  [ PDFLaTeX ] due: PS4
31 15 Continuation of last class     handout: PS5
32 17 Propositions as Types, continued KAT interactive theorem prover PDFLaTeX ]
33 20 Subtype Polymorphism P15.1–6, G9 PDFLaTeX ]
34 22 Recursive Types P20, W13, G5,10 PDFLaTeX ]
24 No class: Thanksgiving break
35 27 Equality and Subtyping of Recursive Types   PDFLaTeX ]
36 29 Type Inference for Partial Types   PDFLaTeX ]
37 Dec 1 Abstract Interpretation   PDFLaTeX ]
  Dec 4       due: PS5
Dec 8 Final Exam, 2–4:30pm, Hollister 306 See CMS for sample final

Key to Readings

P = Pierce, W = Winskel, TG = Turbak & Gifford, M = Mitchell, AC = Abadi & Cardelli, G = Gunter