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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gui.OptionsPanel
When showSeed button clicked, print the seed in the console.
add(E, double) - Method in interface datastructures.PQueue
Effect: Add e with priority p to the priority queue.
add(E, double) - Method in class datastructures.SlowPQueue
allNodes() - Method in class game.GameState
allNodes() - Method in interface game.ScramState
Return a collection containing all the nodes in the graph.
animating - Variable in class gui.GUI
Whether the GUI is doing an animation


bestPath(Vertex) - Method in class graph.ShortestPaths
Returns: the best path from the source vertex to a given target vertex.


cast(Maybe<U>) - Static method in class cms.util.maybe.Maybe
Convert a Maybe<U> to a Maybe<T>, when T is a supertype of U.
changePhaseLabel(String) - Method in class gui.OptionsPanel
Change phase label to s.
changePriority(E, double) - Method in interface datastructures.PQueue
Effect: Change the priority of element e to p.
changePriority(E, double) - Method in class datastructures.SlowPQueue
cms.util - package cms.util
Utilities originally developed for the CMS (CMSX) project.
cms.util.maybe - package cms.util.maybe
Support for the type Maybe<T>
coins() - Method in class game.Tile
Return the value of coins on this Tile.
col() - Method in class gui.DiverSprite
Return the diver's column on the grid.
column() - Method in class game.Tile
Return the column of this Tile.
columnCount() - Method in class game.Sewers
Return the number of columns in the grid.
compareTo(NodeStatus) - Method in class game.NodeStatus
If the distances of this and other are equal, return neg, 0 or pos depending on whether this id is less than, equal to, or greater than other's id.
create() - Method in exception cms.util.FastException
Create a FastException
create() - Method in exception cms.util.maybe.NoMaybeValue
currentLocation() - Method in class game.GameState
Return the unique id of the current location.
currentLocation() - Method in interface game.SeekState
Return the unique identifier associated with McDiver's current location.
currentNode() - Method in class game.GameState
currentNode() - Method in interface game.ScramState
Return the Node corresponding to McDiver's location in the graph.
customFillInStackTrace() - Method in exception cms.util.FastException
Effect: Fill in the stack trace like a normal (expensive) exception.


datastructures - package datastructures
Useful data structures for the McDiver application.
deserialize(List<String>) - Static method in class game.Sewers
Convert nodeStrList, which was output by serialize(), back into a Sewers.
dest(E) - Method in interface graph.DirectedGraph
The destination vertex for an edge in the graph.
dest(Edge) - Method in class game.Maze
destination() - Method in class game.Edge
Return destination of edge
digExploreSewer(int, int, Random) - Static method in class game.Sewers
Return a new random sewer system with r rows, c columns, and no coins, all edges have weight 1, and there is a ring a reasonable distance from the exit.
digGetOutSewer(int, int, int, int, Random) - Static method in class game.Sewers
Return a new random sewer system with r rows, c columns, and random coins and edge weights.
DirectedGraph<V,E> - Interface in graph
This is a constraint interface for a directed graph of type G, with vertices of type V and edges of type E.
direction() - Method in enum class game.Sewers.Direction
Return the direction of this instance
displayError(String) - Method in class gui.GUI
Display error e to the player.
distanceToRing() - Method in class game.GameState
Return the Manhattan distance from the current location to the ring location on the map.
distanceToRing() - Method in interface game.SeekState
Return McDiver's current distance along the grid (NOT THE GRAPH) from the ring.
diver - package diver
The place for your diver algorithm.
diver - Variable in class gui.GUI
The panel for updating and drawing the diver
DiverSprite - Class in gui
Responsible for managing the sewer diver and drawing it on the screen.
DiverSprite(int, int, GUI) - Constructor for class gui.DiverSprite
Constructor: an instance starting at (startRow, startCol), created for gui.


EAST - Enum constant in enum class game.Sewers.Direction
Edge - Class in game
An Edge represents an immutable directed, weighted edge.
Edge(Edge, Map<Node, Node>) - Constructor for class game.Edge
Constructor: an edge that is isomorphic to iso.
Edge(Node, Node, int) - Constructor for class game.Edge
Constructor: an edge from src to dest with length length.
entrance - Variable in class gui.MazePanel
Images representing entrance at beginning and a man emerging from hole
entrance() - Method in class game.Sewers
Return the node corresponding to the entrance to the sewer system.
ENTRANCE - Enum constant in enum class game.Tile.TileType
equals(Object) - Method in class game.Node
Return true iff ob is a Node with the same id as this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class game.NodeStatus
Return true iff ob is a NodeStatus with the same id as this one.
exit() - Method in class game.GameState
exit() - Method in interface game.ScramState
Return the Node associated with the exit from the sewer system.
exitEnd - Variable in class gui.MazePanel
Images representing entrance at beginning and a man emerging from hole
extractMin() - Method in interface datastructures.PQueue
Effect: Remove (and return) the element of the priority queue with highest priority.
extractMin() - Method in class datastructures.SlowPQueue


FastException - Exception in cms.util
An exception that is fast to throw but doesn't have very good debugging support unless its withStackTrace() method is used explicitly.
FastException() - Constructor for exception cms.util.FastException
Initialize a FastException
fillInStackTrace() - Method in exception cms.util.FastException
There is no meaningful stack trace for this exception because it is supposed to always be handled.
finishAnimating() - Method in class gui.GUI
FLOOR - Enum constant in enum class game.Tile.TileType
FRAMES_PER_MOVE - Static variable in class gui.GUI
Frame rate of game (fps) and frames a single move takes
FRAMES_PER_SECOND - Static variable in class gui.GUI
Frame rate of game (fps) and frames a single move takes
from(T) - Static method in class cms.util.maybe.Maybe
Create a Maybe from a possibly null value v.
fromOptional(Optional<T>) - Static method in class cms.util.maybe.Maybe
Create a Maybe from an Optional value.


game - package game
The game logic and implementation of the game controller
GAME_HEIGHT_PROP - Static variable in class gui.GUI
Width and height of the game portion (proportion of total)
GAME_WIDTH_PROP - Static variable in class gui.GUI
Width and height of the game portion (proportion of total)
GameState - Class in game
The game controller.
get() - Method in class cms.util.maybe.Maybe
Returns the contained value, if present.
getCoinIcon(Node) - Method in class gui.GUI
Return an icon for the coins on tile n, or null if no coins.
getCoinsIcon(Node) - Method in class gui.MazePanel
Return an icon for the coins on tile n, or null if no coins.
getDistance(Vertex) - Method in class graph.ShortestPaths
Returns: the distance from the source vertex to the given vertex.
getDistanceToRing() - Method in class game.NodeStatus
Return the distance to the ring from the Node that corresponds br>to this NodeStatus.
getEdge(Node) - Method in class game.Node
Return the Edge of this Node that connects to Node q.
getExits() - Method in class game.Node
Return an unmodifiable view of the Edges leaving this Node.
getIcon(Tile.TileType) - Method in class gui.GUI
Return an image representing tile type.
getIcon(Tile.TileType) - Method in class gui.MazePanel
Return an image representing tile type type.
getId() - Method in class game.Node
Return the unique Identifier of this Node.
getId() - Method in class game.NodeStatus
Return the Id of the Node that corresponds to this NodeStatus.
getMazePanel() - Method in class gui.GUI
Return the MazePanel associated with this GUI.
getNeighbors() - Method in class game.Node
Return an unmodifiable view of the Nodes neighboring this Node.
getOptional(Optional<T>) - Static method in class cms.util.maybe.Maybe
Get the value in an Optional, if present; otherwise throw the checked exception NoMaybeValue.
getOptionsPanel() - Method in class gui.GUI
Return the OptionsPanel associated with this GUI.
getOther(Node) - Method in class game.Edge
Return the Node on this Edge that is not equal to n.
getSprite(int, int) - Method in class gui.Sprite
Return offset (dRow, dCol) into the spritesheet.
getTile() - Method in class game.Node
Return the Tile corresponding to this Node.
graph - package graph
Graph algorithms and interfaces
graph() - Method in class game.Sewers
Return the set of all nodes in the graph.
gui - package gui
Graphical user interface for the McDiver application
GUI - Class in gui
An instance is a GUI for the game.
GUI(Sewers, int, int, long, GameState) - Constructor for class gui.GUI
Constructor: a new display for sewer system with the diver at
(diverRow, diverCol) using random number seed seed and overseen by GameState gs.
GUIControl - Class in game
Methods for controlling the interaction between the main thread and the GUI, if a GUI is present.


hashCode() - Method in class game.Node
hashCode() - Method in class game.NodeStatus


isAnimating() - Method in class gui.GUI
isEmpty() - Method in interface datastructures.PQueue
Returns: true iff the priority queue is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class datastructures.SlowPQueue
isPresent() - Method in class cms.util.maybe.Maybe
Returns whether a value is contained in this Maybe.
iterator() - Method in class cms.util.maybe.Maybe
Provide an iterator that yields either one T or none, depending.


length - Variable in class game.Edge
The length of this edge
length() - Method in class game.Edge
Return the length of this Edge


main(String[]) - Static method in class game.Main
The main program.
Main - Class in game
The main program for the McDiver application.
Main() - Constructor for class game.Main
MAX_BONUS - Static variable in class game.GameState
Minimum and maximum bonuses
MAX_COIN_VALUE - Static variable in class game.Sewers
MAX_COLS - Static variable in class game.GameState
minimum and maximum number of columns
MAX_EDGE_WEIGHT - Static variable in class game.Sewers
MAX_ROWS - Static variable in class game.GameState
minimum and maximum number of rows
Maybe<T> - Class in cms.util.maybe
An object that may contain a value of type T.
Maybe() - Constructor for class cms.util.maybe.Maybe
Do nothing.
Maze - Class in game
A Maze is a weighted directed graph of game.Node and game.Edge objects
Maze(Set<Node>) - Constructor for class game.Maze
Creates: a maze from a set of Nodes.
mazePanel - Variable in class gui.GUI
The panel for generating and drawing the maze
MazePanel - Class in gui
An instance is responsible for drawing the underlying maze on the screen.
The MazePanel should contain only static images that don't need to change
unless the screen is redrawn.
MazePanel(Sewers, int, int, GUI) - Constructor for class gui.MazePanel
Create a new MazePanel of a given size.
McDiver - Class in diver
This is the place for your implementation of the SewerDiver.
McDiver() - Constructor for class diver.McDiver
MIN_BONUS - Static variable in class game.GameState
Minimum and maximum bonuses
MIN_COLS - Static variable in class game.GameState
minimum and maximum number of columns
MIN_ROWS - Static variable in class game.GameState
minimum and maximum number of rows
moveTo(long) - Method in class game.GameState
See moveTo(Node<TileData> n)
moveTo(long) - Method in interface game.SeekState
Change McDiver's current location to the node given by id.
moveTo(Node) - Method in class game.GameState
Attempt to move the sewerDiver from the current position to the Node n.
moveTo(Node) - Method in interface game.ScramState
Change McDiver's location to n.
moveTo(Node) - Method in class gui.DiverSprite
Tell the diver to move from its current location to node dst.
moveTo(Node) - Method in class gui.GUI
Move the diver on the GUI to destination dest, and block until the diver has completed the move.


neighbors() - Method in class game.GameState
Return a collection of NodeStatus objects that contain the unique ID of the node and the distance from that node to the ring.
neighbors() - Method in interface game.SeekState
Return an unordered collection of NodeStatus objects associated with all direct neighbors of McDiver's current location.
Node - Class in game
An instance is a node of the graph
nodeAt(int, int) - Method in class game.Sewers
Return the node at the given (r, c).
NodeStatus - Class in game
Status of a graph node
NoMaybeValue - Exception in cms.util.maybe
A checked exception that forces the programmer to handle the possibility of empty maybes.
NoMaybeValue() - Constructor for exception cms.util.maybe.NoMaybeValue
none() - Static method in class cms.util.maybe.Maybe
Returns an empty Maybe.
NORTH - Enum constant in enum class game.Sewers.Direction
numOpenTiles() - Method in class game.Sewers
Return the number of open floor tiles in this sewer system (this is the size of the graph).


options - Variable in class gui.GUI
The panel for showing stats / displaying options
OptionsPanel - Class in gui
An instance is a JPanel with info for the user,
including a slider to speed up McDiver's movements.
OptionsPanel(int, int, int, int, long) - Constructor for class gui.OptionsPanel
Constructor: an instance is a JPanel with top-left corner (x, y), width width,
height height, and random number seed seed --which was used t generate the graph.
orElse(T) - Method in class cms.util.maybe.Maybe
Returns the contained value, if any; otherwise, returns other.
orElseGet(Supplier<T>) - Method in class cms.util.maybe.Maybe
Returns the contained value, if any; otherwise, returns other.get().
orElseMaybe(Supplier<Maybe<T>>) - Method in class cms.util.maybe.Maybe
Returns this if a value is contained; otherwise, returns other.get().
orElseThrow(E) - Method in class cms.util.maybe.Maybe
Returns the contained value, if any; otherwise, throws the specified exception.
originalCoinValue() - Method in class game.Tile
Return the original amount of coins on this tile.
outgoingEdges(Node) - Method in class game.Maze
outgoingEdges(V) - Method in interface graph.DirectedGraph
All outgoing edges from a vertex in the graph


paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class gui.DiverSprite
Draw the diver on its own panel.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class gui.MazePanel
Draw the maze on the screen.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class gui.OptionsPanel
Paint the component
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class gui.TileSelectPanel
Paint this component using page.
paintEntranceExit(Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gui.MazePanel
If tile (row, col) is the entrance/exit, draw the graphic for it.
peek() - Method in interface datastructures.PQueue
Returns: the element of the priority queue with highest priority, without changing the priority queue.
peek() - Method in class datastructures.SlowPQueue
PQueue<E> - Interface in datastructures
A priority queue containing distinct elements of type E, with priorities represented as values of type double.


ring() - Method in class game.Sewers
Return the ring node in this sewer system.
RING - Enum constant in enum class game.Tile.TileType
row() - Method in class game.Tile
Return the row of this Tile.
row() - Method in class gui.DiverSprite
Return the diver's row on the grid.
rowCount() - Method in class game.Sewers
Return the number of rows in the grid.
runNewGame(long, boolean, SewerDiver) - Static method in class game.GameState
Given seed, whether to use the GUI, and an instance of a solution, run the game using that solution.


scram(ScramState) - Method in class diver.McDiver
See SewerDriver for specification.
scram(ScramState) - Method in interface diver.SewerDiver
Scram --get out of the sewer system before the steps are all used, trying to collect as many coins as possible along the way.
ScramState - Interface in game
A ScramState provides all the information necessary to get out of the sewer system and collect coins on the way.
scramSucceeded() - Method in class game.GameState
= "scram succeeded"
SCREEN_HEIGHT - Static variable in class gui.GUI
Width and height of the entire screen
SCREEN_WIDTH - Static variable in class gui.GUI
Width and height of the entire screen
seek(SeekState) - Method in class diver.McDiver
See SewerDriver for specification.
seek(SeekState) - Method in interface diver.SewerDiver
Find the ring in as few steps as possible.
SeekState - Interface in game
The state of the game while finding the ring.
selectNode(Node) - Method in class gui.GUI
Select node n on the GUI.
This displays information on that node's panel on the screen.
selectNode(Node) - Method in class gui.TileSelectPanel
Select node n on the GUI.
serialize() - Method in class game.Sewers
Serialize this sewer system to a list of strings that can be written out to a file.
setLighting(boolean) - Method in class gui.GUI
Set the sewer system to be all light or all dark, depending on light.
setLighting(boolean) - Method in class gui.MazePanel
Set the sewers to be all light (light = true) or all dark.
setVisited(int, int) - Method in class gui.MazePanel
Update the GUI to inform it that tile (row, col) was visited.
SewerDiver - Interface in diver
The interface a sewer diver must implement in order to be used in solving the game.
Sewers - Class in game
A sewer through which a sewer diver can move: a grid of Tile objects with a weighted graph of all non-floor tiles.
Sewers.Direction - Enum Class in game
An enum representing a grid direction.
ShortestPaths<Vertex,Edge> - Class in graph
This object computes and remembers shortest paths through a weighted, directed graph.
ShortestPaths(WeightedDigraph<Vertex, Edge>) - Constructor for class graph.ShortestPaths
Creates: a single-source shortest-path finder for a weighted graph.
singleSourceDistances(Vertex) - Method in class graph.ShortestPaths
Effect: Computes the best paths from a given source vertex, which can then be queried using bestPath().
size() - Method in interface datastructures.PQueue
Returns: the number of elements in the priority queue.
size() - Method in class datastructures.SlowPQueue
SlowPQueue<E> - Class in datastructures
A slow implementation of a priority queue where the priorities are doubles.
SlowPQueue() - Constructor for class datastructures.SlowPQueue
Creates: an empty queue
some(T) - Static method in class cms.util.maybe.Maybe
Creates a Maybe from a non-null argument.
source() - Method in class game.Edge
Return the source of this edge.
source(E) - Method in interface graph.DirectedGraph
The source vertex for an edge in the graph.
source(Edge) - Method in class game.Maze
SOUTH - Enum constant in enum class game.Sewers.Direction
sprite() - Method in class gui.DiverSprite
Return the image representing the current state of the diver.
Sprite - Class in gui
An instance maintains information about a sprite for the GUI.
Sprite(String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class gui.Sprite
Constructor: an instance with image at imageLoc, of size (width, height), and number of frames in the animation cycleSize.
startAnimating() - Method in class gui.GUI
startAnimation(Maybe<GUI>) - Static method in class game.GUIControl
Register that an animation is starting on the GUI, if the GUI is present.
stepsToGo() - Method in class game.GameState
stepsToGo() - Method in interface game.ScramState
Return the steps remaining to get out of the sewer system.


takeCoins() - Method in class game.Tile
Set the value of coins on this Node to 0 and return the amount "taken"
TASTY_VALUE - Static variable in class game.Sewers
theException - Static variable in exception cms.util.maybe.NoMaybeValue
then(Function<T, U>) - Method in class cms.util.maybe.Maybe
If a value v is present, returns a Maybe containing f(v), which must be non-null.
thenDo(Consumer<T>) - Method in class cms.util.maybe.Maybe
Call cons on the contained value, if any.
thenElse(Consumer<T>, Runnable) - Method in class cms.util.maybe.Maybe
If a value is contained, run consThen on the value; otherwise run procElse
thenMaybe(Function<T, Maybe<U>>) - Method in class cms.util.maybe.Maybe
If a value v is present, returns f(v).
tick() - Method in class gui.Sprite
Update the spritesheet's animation by a single frame.
Tile - Class in game
A tile on the game board.
Tile(int, int, int, Tile.TileType) - Constructor for class game.Tile
Constructor: an instance with row r, column c, coin-value cv, and Type t.
TILE_HEIGHT - Static variable in class gui.MazePanel
The width and height (in pixels) of a tile on the grid
TILE_WIDTH - Static variable in class gui.MazePanel
The width and height (in pixels) of a tile on the grid
Tile.TileType - Enum Class in game
An enum representing the different types of Tiles that
may appear in a sewer system.
tileAt(int, int) - Method in class game.Sewers
Return the Tile information for tile (r, c).
TileSelectPanel - Class in gui
An instance is a panel that displays information about a currently selected Tile.
TileSelectPanel(int, int, int, int, GUI) - Constructor for class gui.TileSelectPanel
Constructor: an instance at (x, y) with size (width, height) on Gui gui.
toOptional() - Method in class cms.util.maybe.Maybe
Create an Optional from a Maybe
toString() - Method in interface datastructures.PQueue
Returns a string that represents this priority queue: [item0:priority0, item1:priority1, ..., item(N-1):priority(N-1)] That is, the list is delimited by '[' and ']', and items are separated by ", " (a comma and a space).
toString() - Method in class game.Tile
type() - Method in class game.Tile
Return the TileType of this Tile.


updateBonus(double) - Method in class gui.GUI
Update the bonus multiplier as displayed by the GUI by bonus
updateBonus(double) - Method in class gui.OptionsPanel
Update bonus multiplier b as displayed by the GUI
updateCoins(int, int) - Method in class gui.GUI
Update the number of coins picked up as displayed on the GUI.
updateCoins(int, int) - Method in class gui.OptionsPanel
Update the number of coins c picked up as displayed on the GUI.
Score is the current player's score.
updateLoc(int, int, int, int) - Method in class gui.TileSelectPanel
Update the location to (x, y) with size (width, height)
of this element (for instance, on screen resize).
updateMaxStepsLeft(int) - Method in class gui.OptionsPanel
Update the maximum number of steps left, m, for this stage.
updateSewer(Sewers, int) - Method in class gui.GUI
What is the specification?
updateStepsLeft(int) - Method in class gui.OptionsPanel
Update the steps t left as displayed on the GUI.
updateStepsToGo(int) - Method in class gui.GUI
Update the steps remaining as displayed on the GUI to stepsLeft.
usage() - Static method in class game.Main
Effect: Prints a usage message.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class game.Sewers.Direction
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class game.Tile.TileType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class game.Sewers.Direction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class game.Tile.TileType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.


waitForAnimation(Maybe<GUI>) - Static method in class game.GUIControl
Wait until the GUI animation, if any, is complete.
WALL - Enum constant in enum class game.Tile.TileType
weight(E) - Method in interface graph.WeightedDigraph
The weight of an edge
weight(Edge) - Method in class game.Maze
WeightedDigraph<V,E> - Interface in graph
Constraint interface for a directed graph with edge weights.
WEST - Enum constant in enum class game.Sewers.Direction
withStackTrace() - Method in exception cms.util.FastException
Effect: fills in the stack trace of this exception.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form