Package graph

Class ShortestPaths<Vertex,Edge>


public class ShortestPaths<Vertex,Edge> extends Object
This object computes and remembers shortest paths through a weighted, directed graph. Once shortest paths are computed from a specified source vertex, it allows querying the distance to arbitrary vertices and the best paths to arbitrary destination vertices.

Types Vertex and Edge are parameters, so their operations are supplied by a model object supplied to the constructor.

  • Constructor Details

    • ShortestPaths

      public ShortestPaths(WeightedDigraph<Vertex,Edge> graph)
      Creates: a single-source shortest-path finder for a weighted graph.
      graph - The model that supplies all graph operations.
  • Method Details

    • singleSourceDistances

      public void singleSourceDistances(Vertex source)
      Effect: Computes the best paths from a given source vertex, which can then be queried using bestPath().
    • getDistance

      public double getDistance(Vertex v)
      Returns: the distance from the source vertex to the given vertex. Checks: distances have been computed from a source vertex, and vertex v is reachable from that vertex.
    • bestPath

      public List<Edge> bestPath(Vertex target)
      Returns: the best path from the source vertex to a given target vertex. The path is represented as a list of edges. Requires: singleSourceDistances() has already been used to compute best paths.