Serialized Form

  • Package cms.util

  • Package cms.util.maybe

  • Package gui

    • Class gui.DiverSprite

      class DiverSprite extends JPanel implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • col
          int col
          SewerDiver's row and column indexes (updated only once move completes)
        • dir
          Sewers.Direction dir
          Direction the diver is currently facing?
        • gui
          GUI gui
          The GUI that created this DiverSprite
        • posX
          int posX
          x- and y- coordinates (pixels)
        • posY
          int posY
          x- and y- coordinates (pixels)
        • row
          int row
          SewerDiver's row and column indexes (updated only once move completes)
        • sprite
          Sprite sprite
          Sprite class to handle animating the diver
        • spriteSheet
          String spriteSheet
          Location of the spritesheet image
    • Class gui.GUI

      class GUI extends JFrame implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • animating
          boolean animating
          Whether the GUI is doing an animation
        • diver
          DiverSprite diver
          The panel for updating and drawing the diver
        • gameState
          GameState gameState
          The GameState that oversees the GUI
        • master
          JLayeredPane master
          The panel that holds all other panels
        • mazePanel
          MazePanel mazePanel
          The panel for generating and drawing the maze
        • options
          OptionsPanel options
          The panel for showing stats / displaying options
        • tileSelect
          TileSelectPanel tileSelect
          Panel that provides more info on selected tile
    • Class gui.MazePanel

      class MazePanel extends JPanel implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • background
          BufferedImage background
          The background
        • coinSheet
          Sprite coinSheet
          Image representing a coin spritesheet
        • darkness
          Color darkness
          Color to place over unvisited paths
        • diverSpriteExitPainted
          boolean diverSpriteExitPainted
        • entrance
          BufferedImage entrance
          Images representing entrance at beginning and a man emerging from hole
        • exitEnd
          BufferedImage exitEnd
          Images representing entrance at beginning and a man emerging from hole
        • gui
          GUI gui
          The gui on which this panel resides
        • path
          BufferedImage path
          Images representing an area the diver can walk on and a wall
        • ring
          BufferedImage ring
          Image representing the ring
        • sewers
          Sewers sewers
          Representation of the graph/level
        • tasty
          BufferedImage tasty
        • visited
          boolean[][] visited
          Contains the nodes already visited
        • wall
          BufferedImage wall
          Images representing an area the diver can walk on and a wall
    • Class gui.OptionsPanel

      class OptionsPanel extends JPanel implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • background
          BufferedImage background
          Background for options pane
          String BACKGROUND_PATH
          Location of background image
        • bonusLabel
          JLabel bonusLabel
          bonus multiplier
        • coinsLabel
          JLabel coinsLabel
          number of coins picked up multiplied by bonus factor
        • phaseLabel
          JLabel phaseLabel
          Description for speed slider and current phase
        • scoreLabel
          JLabel scoreLabel
          number of coins picked up multiplied by bonus factor
        • seed
          long seed
          seed used to generate the graph
        • showSeed
          JButton showSeed
        • speedLabel
          JLabel speedLabel
          Description for speed slider and current phase
        • speedSelect
          JSlider speedSelect
        • stepsLeft
          JProgressBar stepsLeft
        • stepsLeftLabel
          JLabel stepsLeftLabel
          Number of steps left
    • Class gui.TileSelectPanel

      class TileSelectPanel extends JPanel implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • background
          BufferedImage background
          Background for options pane
          String BACKGROUND_PATH
        • gui
          GUI gui
          Information about the larger GUI
        • instructions
          JLabel instructions
          Tells user how to use this panel
        • selectedNode
          Node selectedNode
          The currently selected node