All Classes and Interfaces

This is a constraint interface for a directed graph of type G, with vertices of type V and edges of type E.
Responsible for managing the sewer diver and drawing it on the screen.
An Edge represents an immutable directed, weighted edge.
An exception that is fast to throw but doesn't have very good debugging support unless its withStackTrace() method is used explicitly.
The game controller.
An instance is a GUI for the game.
Methods for controlling the interaction between the main thread and the GUI, if a GUI is present.
The main program for the McDiver application.
An object that may contain a value of type T.
A Maze is a weighted directed graph of game.Node and game.Edge objects
An instance is responsible for drawing the underlying maze on the screen.
The MazePanel should contain only static images that don't need to change
unless the screen is redrawn.
This is the place for your implementation of the SewerDiver.
An instance is a node of the graph
Status of a graph node
A checked exception that forces the programmer to handle the possibility of empty maybes.
An instance is a JPanel with info for the user,
including a slider to speed up McDiver's movements.
A priority queue containing distinct elements of type E, with priorities represented as values of type double.
A ScramState provides all the information necessary to get out of the sewer system and collect coins on the way.
The state of the game while finding the ring.
The interface a sewer diver must implement in order to be used in solving the game.
A sewer through which a sewer diver can move: a grid of Tile objects with a weighted graph of all non-floor tiles.
An enum representing a grid direction.
This object computes and remembers shortest paths through a weighted, directed graph.
A slow implementation of a priority queue where the priorities are doubles.
An instance maintains information about a sprite for the GUI.
A tile on the game board.
An enum representing the different types of Tiles that
may appear in a sewer system.
An instance is a panel that displays information about a currently selected Tile.
Constraint interface for a directed graph with edge weights.