Package diver

Interface SewerDiver

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface SewerDiver
The interface a sewer diver must implement in order to be used in solving the game.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Scram --get out of the sewer system before the steps are all used, trying to collect as many coins as possible along the way.
    seek(SeekState state)
    Find the ring in as few steps as possible.
  • Method Details

    • seek

      void seek(SeekState state)
      Find the ring in as few steps as possible. Once you get there, you must return from this function in order to pick it up. If you continue to move after finding the ring rather than returning, it will not count. If you return from this function while not standing on top of the ring, it will count as a failure.

      There is no limit to how many steps you can take, but you will receive a score bonus multiplier for finding the ring in fewer steps.

      At every step, you know only your current tile's ID and the ID of all open neighbor tiles, as well as the distance to the ring at each of these tiles (ignoring walls and obstacles).

      In order to get information about the current state, use functions currentLocation(), neighbors(), and distanceToRing() in state. You know you are standing on the ring when distanceToRing() is 0.

      Use function moveTo(long id) in state to move to a neighboring tile by its ID. Doing this will change state to reflect your new position.

      A suggested first implementation that will always find the ring, but likely won't receive a large bonus multiplier, is a depth-first walk. Some modification is necessary to make the search better, in general.

    • scram

      void scram(ScramState state)
      Scram --get out of the sewer system before the steps are all used, trying to collect as many coins as possible along the way. McDiver must ALWAYS get out before the steps are all used, and this should be prioritized above collecting coins.

      You now have access to the entire underlying graph, which can be accessed through ScramState. currentNode() and exit() return Node objects of interest, and allNodes() returns a collection of all nodes on the graph.

      You have to get out of the sewer system in the number of steps given by stepsToGo(); for each move along an edge, this number is decremented by the weight of the edge taken.

      Use moveTo(n) to move to a node n that is adjacent to the current node. When n is moved-to, coins on node n are automatically picked up.

      You must return from this function while standing at the exit. Failing to do so before steps run out or returning from the wrong node will be considered a failed run.

      Initially, there are enough steps to get from the starting point to the exit using the shortest path, although this will not collect many coins. For this reason, a good starting solution is to use the shortest path to the exit.