- ... key.1
In many cryptosystems, the decryption key is ``easy'' to compute from
the encryption key. Therefore, the encryption key must be hidden for
the cryptosystem to be secure. However, there are some cryptosystems
where it is (believed to be) infeasible to compute the decryption key
from the encryption key, in which case it is OK for the encryption key
to be public. So-called public key cryptosystems have this
property, e.g. PGP/RSA.
- ...'q'.2
Why not always? Because of typos, abbreviations, words
borrowed from other languages, and people in advertising that like to
mess around with spelling.
- ... languages.3
for an example of frequencies in just words.
- ... frequencies.4
Ouvroir de Litterature Potentielle (``Potential Literature Workshop'')
is a group about game-like methods of writing. Member Georges Perec
wrote La Disparition without using the letter 'e'. The
English translation, A Void, by Gilbert Adair also has no
'e'. Besides as a gimmick, Perec wrote without 'e' for
plot/thematic reasons. Le Ton Beau De Marot: In Praise of the
Music of Language, by Douglas R. Hofstadter, discusses both the
original and the translation.
- ...
These distances belong to the class of Lp (pronounced
``ell-pee'') norms: the pth root of the sum of the pth powers
of the magnitudes. The limit as p goes to infinity is the
- ... distances?6
When you do Project 7, you will discover that 70% does count as
close. Although 70% does sound high, keep in mind that it is still
relatively far away from the maximum possible distance of 200%.
- ... work.7
Actually, since different letters probably do have at least slightly
different intrinsic unigram frequencies, if we have ``large enough''
training and ciphertexts, then their frequencies will converge to
identical, intrinsic frequencies, in which case sorting unigram
frequencies would work. The problem is, our experiments show that
``large enough'' appears to be on the order of multiple books or
- ... ciphertext.8
Conceptually, we have said to compute the table of bigram frequencies
for each key by transforming ciphertext and then counting. We will
see in Section 6.3 how we instead rearrange the frequencies
in the original bigram table, thereby allowing us to omit the step of
transforming ciphertext.
- ... frequencies.9
A human could visually inspect the hoped-for-plaintext and simply
choose the one that is readable. However, without more complex
algorithms that involve pattern recognition, a computer program has
``trouble'' visually inspecting text. Therefore, we stick to our idea
of bringing the frequencies as close as possible to intrinsic
- ... key.10
However, it is true that hill-climbing can get ``stuck'' at a
local optimum, where all the ``local'' neighbors are farther
away from training frequencies, so we will not reach the global
optimum, the solution that is closest overall to training