Date10 | Description | File(s) |
8/31-9/5 | Lectures 1-4 notes | lectures1234.m |
9/7 | Lecture 5 | lectures5.m |
9/12 | Lecture 6 | lecture6.m |
9/14 | Lecture 7 | lecture7a.m
lecture7b.m lecture7c.m |
9/18 | Lecture 8 (for 9/19) | lecture8a.m
lecture8b.m lecture8c.m lecture8d.m |
9/20 | More loops (condensed examples) | repetition
conditionalupdate accumulation |
Lecture 9 (posted very early 9/21 AM.) | lecture9.m | |
9/25 | lecture 10 (mostly comments)
function functions demo recursion demo |
demofunfun.m rsum.m |
9/27 | lecture 11
demo of no-"output" function demo of symbolic toolbox |
nooutputs.m symbolics.m |
9/28 | characters - this should fill some gaps | characters.m |
10/3 | lecture 12: cell arrays | lecture12.m |
10/4 | lecture 13: structure arrays | lecture13.m |
10/5 | structure arrays with other SAs as fields
(see lecture13: does A.scores.tests change if B.tests changes?) |
sas.m |
10/11 | lecture 14: a surprise... | lecture14 |
10/17 | see lecture 14; see oop0 and oop1 on Spring 2000 site | lecture15 |
10/18 | non-oop oop (posted in .java) | lecture16 |
10/22 | Raju's MATLAB examples | sec8.txt
sec8sol.txt |
10/23 | Niranjan's MATLAB examples | iter_binary_search.m
iter_fact.m iter_vs_rec.m merge.m merge_sort.m movie_3_D.m plot_3_D.m process_text.m rec_binary_search.m rec_fact.m sort_vs_merge_sort.m |
10/24 | lecture 17 notes (part a)
letcure 17 notes (partb) non-oop (part 1) non-oop (part 2) non-oop (part 3) non-oop (part 4) scope diagram |
lecture17b.java nonoop1.java nonoop2.java nonoop3.java nonoop4.java nonoop4box.jpg |
10/26 | default values of zeros
oop example mechanics of oop same as lecture (fewer coments) more extensive example (encapsulation) |
lecture18a.java lecture18b.java lecture18b_slim.java lecture18c.java |
10/27 | better box scope (had wrong def of activation record) | boxscope.txt |
10/31 | example from class; also needed for Exercise 8
basically lecture19.java minus most comments lecture notes + modified code from lecture19 fill-in -the -blank example from lecture Exercise 8, Part1 solution Exercise 8, Part2 solution Exercise 8, Part3 solution |
lecture19_slim.java lecture19_encaps.java encaps_blanks.java box1.pdf box2.pdf box3.pdf |
11/1 | updated boxscope instructions | boxscope.txt |
11/2 | lecture notes (carried over from lecture19_encaps)
fill in the blank example solution to fill in the blank example can you make an object with no reference var? yes! using this reference using this reference method overloading (might show up for 11/7) |
encaps_blank.java encaps.java loneobject.java this_iv.java this_iv2.java mo0.java |
11/3 | additional help for Project 5:
- static/non-static methods - instantiating objects - passing references (both as input and as return) - output |
Mixing.java |
11/4 | by popular demand ...
lecture example for this solutions to lecture example method overloading more method overloading (1) pass by value example (1) boxes for example (2) next example (2) boxes for example (3) next example (3) boxes for example |
this_iv2_blanks.java this_iv2.java mo0.java mo1.java pass1.txt pass1.gif pass2.txt pass2.gif pass3.txt pass3.gif |
11/9 | lecture notes
blankfied basics solutions to basics array of objects array of arrays |
array0_blanks.java array0.java array1.java aoa0.java |
11/10 | testing string equality with equals | stringtest.java |
11/14 | lecture notes (minus boxes)
multidimensional arrays with array of arrays (this is an updated and improved version) blankfied version of aoa0 row major vs column major array of arrays |
lecture23.txt aoa0.java |
11/16 | revised multidim array example (row major vs col major)
blankified version |
aoa4_blanks.txt |
11/19 | private constructors revisited | private_constructor.java |
11/21 | lecture notes
class hierarchies using extend using super encapsulation methods method overriding |
inherit0.java inherit1.java inherit2.java inherit3.java inherit4.java inherit5.java |
11/22 | user input/output from keyboard (Java)
file input/output (reading from, writing to) (Java) |
FileIO.java |
11/28 | lecture notes
more about super Object class A bit more on method overriding (9:05 am didn't see this) Accessing private instance variables |
inherit6.java inherit7.java inherit5a.java inherit8.java |
11/30 | lecture notes
polymorphism |
poly1.java |
12/4 | a student asked about having main call other mains | Mains.java |