The Internet
& Cornell
Get into the habit of checking your
e-mail and the course web page daily.
For e-mail and news, you will need
to have a Cornell NetID and password.
If you do not have these yet, you need
to go to the CIT helpdesk in the CCC building and obtain a Bear Access
For additional help, consult CIT.
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CIT supports electronic
mail (e-mail). Use the following guidelines when e-mailing staff:
Be polite! Give unclear writing the benefit of the doubt.
No MIME-encoding or HTML
No unsolicited attachments
No autowrap - break lines by hand: Formatting is important
in programs, and autowrap tends to screw up formatting.
Keep lines less than 70 characters in width in text - wider
lines are a little more tolerable in programs
Use a fixed-width (monospaced or non-proportional) font,
like Courier or Monaco
Quote relevant text from the original message to establish
Add new text after the corresponding quoted text, NOT at
the very top.
Following these guidelines makes your messages friendlier
and more accessible, thus making your questions more likely to be answered.
CIT maintains a
of conventions, as well. Other
conventions are possible and reasonable, but this course has its own
guidelines. Mixing conventions tends to lead to confusion. Therefore, please
follow the course conventions.
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We might occasionally use Network
News (USENET):
Refer to CIT's website for a description of USENET and instructions
on accessing discussion groups.
We will use cornell.class.cs100j,
and occasionally cornell.class.cs100.
Post messages according to the same guidelines as sending
Save important messages to disk because posts gradually vanish
from the group.
Follow all rules of academic integrity!
Never post fragments of your programming-assignment code. Instead, you
should seek clarification of the underlying concepts, perhaps by pointing
to an example discussed in class.
We will not necessarily respond to posts, but we will check
regularly to ensure that academic integrity is maintained.
We recommend that you follow the instructions on CIT's website.
You may also try these. If you prefer Netscape,
try the following steps:
Start Netscape.
Click on Communicator and select Newsgroups
from the drop down menu. A newsgroup window should appear.
Click on File and select Subscribe. On the
window that appears, make sure the server is
If it is something else, click Add Server choose New Server (NNTP)
and then type in the above server name.
In the newsgroups that appear, double click on cornell
and then on cornell.class. Then select the desired newsgroup, such
as cs100m, by double clicking on it followed by OK. You are
now subscribed to the newsgroup.
The messages posted can be seen by double clicking on the
newsgroup title. To post a message, right click on the newsgroup title
and select New Message.
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CIT supports viewing
and browsing of the World Wide Web (WWW). Check out the following links
for CS100 websites:
CS100 Websites
CS100 websites
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You can move files between computers
using. File
Transfer Protocol (FTP). We store some CodeWarrior files here.
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