Introduction to Maple, David
I. Schwartz, Prentice-Hall, 1999.
We are providing draft copies of the 2nd edition as the chapters
become available:
You may also purchase the 1st edition, which will also suit
this course.
Reserve Reading:
The Engineering Library (Carpenter)
has one copy on reserve.
There are many other books available
on Maple. We strongly encourage you to investigate the library and other
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CS99 employs a variety of software
PCs and Macs. We do not require you to purchase any software. The following
pages contain more information on the variety of software tools. We will
focus on Maple, but we might use some MATLAB. You will definitely need
to use Internet resources for CS99:
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You will need a few 3.5" floppy disks for your assignments.
No personal files may be left on CIT's public machines.
CIT frequently cleans out files on the public machines.
So, you must store your files on your own disks. Other things
to note:
Back up your programs to protect yourself in case
something is lost, e.g., the night before the due date.
Note that most labs have Zip drives, but the instructors'
machines don't.
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We will distribute handouts in lecture and usually post
them on this website. Extras, if any, will be at Carpenter.
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Lectures and Labs will often use examples to help demonstrate
concepts and provide practice. Look at the Examples
page for a full list.
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