Date | Topics | Files |
beyond | extra notes | exceptionsthreads.txt
except1.txt except2.txt except3.txt except4.txt thread1.txt |
12/6 | lecture notes
example of args |
Mains.txt |
12/4 | lecture notes
tough example! MATLAB's help on scripts MATLAB's help on functions running Java from MATLAB running MATLAB from Java using the symbolic toolbox to do your Calculus homework structures and cell arrays Tetris in MATLAB (needs some updating) |
tough.txt scripthelp.txt functionhelp.txt matlabjava.txt symbolics.txt advanced.txt tetris.m tetris.txt |
11/29 | lecture notes | lecture25.txt |
11/27 | lecture notes
demonstration of MATLAB character set MATLAB token info MATLAB statement info ways to generate arrays of values (include random numbers) examples of selection statements help on MATLAB M-File scripts getting user input and producing output list of all of MATLAB's I/O functions example of a user-friendly input function for reading integers extensive help on selection statements (if) extensive help on repetition statements (while) extensive help on repetition statements (for) example of selection statements example of a loop extensive example of a loop |
characters.txt tokens.txt statements.txt values.txt selection.txt scripthelp.txt io_brief.txt io.txt readIntPrompt.txt matlabifhelp.txt matlabwhilehelp.txt matlabforhelp.txt maxvalues.txt countgrades.txt grades.txt |
11/20 | polymorphism, abstract classes, interfaces | lecture23.txt
poly_basics.txt poly_varsmeths.txt poly_aliases.txt poly_arrays0.txt poly_arrays1.txt poly_arrays2.txt abstract0.txt abstract1.txt interface_basics.txt |
11/15 | inheritance notes | lecture22.txt
inherit_access.txt inherit_access2.txt inherit_final.txt inherit_private.txt inherit_static.txt inherit_super.txt inherit_super2.txt inherit_super3.txt inherit_super4.txt |
11/13 | inheritance notes | lecture21.txt
inherit_methods.txt inherit_shadow.txt |
11/8 | inheritance notes | lecture20.txt
inherit0.txt inherit0_detailed.txt inherit0_fruit.txt inherit1.txt inherit1_vars.txt numbers.txt inherit2.txt inherit3.txt inherit17.txt inherit17_clone.txt inherit17_equals.txt inherit17_object.txt inherit17_toString.txt |
11/6 | lecture notes
linear and binary search (number guessing game) linear search (find mode of an array) selection sort (lecture problem) solution insertion sort mix of select and insert sort mix of select and insert sort mix of select and insert sort |
NumberGuess.txt array_mode.txt selectsort_blanks.txt selectsort.txt insertsort.txt sorting0.txt sorting1.txt sorting2.txt |
11/1 | lecture notes
ragged 3d array problem solution row major vs col major problem solution |
aoa3d_blanks.txt aoa3d.txt aoa4_blanks.txt aoa4.txt |
10/30 | lecture notes
aoa problem sol aoa problem sol aoa problem sol |
aoa0_blanks.txt aoa0.txt aoa1.txt aoa2_blanks.txt aoa2.txt aoa3.txt |
10/25 | lecture notes
demonstration of initilizer lists and anonymous arrays more anonymous arrays demo of arrays that have arrays as fields solution demo of array of objects solution another demo of array of objects solution |
initlist.txt anonarray0.txt classWithArrays_blanks.txt classWithArrays.txt personArray_blanks.txt personArray.txt arrayOfObjects_blanks.txt arrayOfObjects.txt |
10/23 | lecture notes
basics of arrays (blanks, and with for) solution to basics of arrays a demonstration of why we need arrays a simplified version of the demo of why we need arrays common problems that arise with arrays |
array_basics_blanks.txt array_basics.txt array_tedious.txt array_better.txt array_problems.txt |
10/18 | lecture notes
characters basics of Strings String methods equals vs ==? great example of static method overloading demonstrated "constructor overloading" example of method overloading |
character_basics.txt string_basics.txt string_methods.txt string_equals.txt Mixing.txt method_overload.txt constructor_overload.txt squares.txt |
10/16 | lecture notes
can you (should you?) use a private constructor? encapsulation example solution to encapsulation example basics of static members examples of static what's the deal with main being static? example of static |
private_constructor.txt L13_area_blanks.txt L13_area.txt static_basics.txt static_examples.txt static_main.txt Course.txt |
10/11 | lecture notes
constructors scope rules and tracing using this more practice for aliases |
lecture12.txt scope0.txt this0.txt nurses.txt |
10/4 | lecture notes
references writing a class, which is an aggregation of members |
references.txt aggregation.txt |
10/2 | lecture notes
default value of fields example problem that's object oriented (should look familiar) stubbing of classes for problem as part of "research" phase "blankified" classes "blankified" driver class complete solution to problem |
defaults.txt simulationProblem.txt simulationStubbing.txt simulationClasses.txt simulationBlanks.txt Simulation.txt |
9/27 | lecture notes (includes examples)
example on how to reprompt the user using a method and loop |
reprompt.txt |
9/25 | lecture notes (includes examples)
more examples |
methods.txt |
9/20 | lecture notes
patterns (or, templates) for processing values/input practice fleshed out code that demonstrates the patterns old prelim (for practice) solutions to old prelim |
pattern.txt grades_blanks.txt grades.txt t1sp00_old.pdf t1sp00_oldsol.txt |
9/18 | lecture notes
basic syntax for while (repetition statement) another twist on the basics of while while with a block statement to echo values (echo) using a while to sum values (accumulation) nested loop (while within a while) another nested loop that updates a value (conditional update) lecture example solution to lecture example alternative solution to lecture example (not done in lecture) |
while1.txt while2.txt while3.txt while4.txt while5.txt while6.txt rms_blanks.txt rms.txt rms_alt.txt |
9/13 | lecture notes
selection statement overview selection statements (just if) selection statements (just if and else) more selection more selection more selection nested if statements |
selection0.txt selection1.txt selection2.txt selection3.txt selection4.txt selection5.txt nestedif.txt |
9/11 | lecture notes
puncutation of statements (; {}) variety of statments (empty, expression, method call) random numbers (Math.random()) declaration of variables assignment of variables |
punctuation.txt statements1.txt random.txt declaration.txt assignment.txt |
9/6 | lecture notes
examples of statements swapping values using assignments |
Statements.txt Swap.txt |
9/4 | lecture notes
course objectives and advice ASCII character set character names (from DIS's books) a really basic program a more classic first program |
handout.txt ascii.txt kb.gif firstProgram.txt helloWorld.txt |
8/30 | lecture notes | lecture1.txt |