------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More about IO (lifted from MATLAB's Help) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Useful commands for command window and user input: clc - Clear command window. more - Control paged output in command window. diary - Save text of MATLAB session. pause - Wait for user response. echo - Echo commands in M-files. keyboard - Invoke keyboard from M-file. input - Prompt for user input. disp - Display array. format - Set output format. home - Send the cursor home. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From $help iofun$: File import/export functions. dlmread - Read delimited text file. dlmwrite - Write delimited text file. load - Load workspace from MATLAB (MAT) file. importdata - Load workspace variables disk file. wk1read - Read spreadsheet (WK1) file. wk1write - Write spreadsheet (WK1) file. xlsread - Read spreadsheet (XLS) file. Image file import/export. imfinfo - Return information about graphics file. imread - Read image from graphics file. imwrite - Write image to graphics file. Audio file import/export. auread - Read NeXT/SUN (AU) sound file. auwrite - Write NeXT/SUN (AU) sound file. wavread - Read Microsoft WAVE (WAV) sound file. wavwrite - Write Microsoft WAVE (WAV) sound file. Video file import/export. aviread - Read movie (AVI) file. aviinfo - Return information about AVI file. avifile - Create a new AVI file. movie2avi - Create AVI movie from MATLAB movie. Formatted file I/O. fgetl - Read line from file, discard newline character. fgets - Read line from file, keep newline character. fprintf - Write formatted data to file. fscanf - Read formatted data from file. input - Prompt for user input. textread - Read formatted data from text file. String conversion. sprintf - Write formatted data to string. sscanf - Read string under format control. strread - Read formatted data from text string. File opening and closing. fopen - Open file. fclose - Close file. Binary file I/O. fread - Read binary data from file. fwrite - Write binary data to file. File positioning. feof - Test for end-of-file. ferror - Inquire file error status. frewind - Rewind file. fseek - Set file position indicator. ftell - Get file position indicator. File name handling fileparts - Filename parts. filesep - Directory separator for this platform. fullfile - Build full filename from parts. matlabroot - Root directory of MATLAB installation. mexext - MEX filename extension for this platform. partialpath - Partial pathnames. pathsep - Path separator for this platform. prefdir - Preference directory name. tempdir - Get temporary directory. tempname - Get temporary file. HDF library interface help. hdf - MEX-file interface to the HDF library. hdfan - MATLAB Gateway to HDF multifile annotation interface. hdfdf24 - MATLAB Gateway to HDF raster image interface. hdfdfr8 - MATLAB Gateway to HDF 8-bit raster image interface. HDF library interface help. hdf - MEX-file interface to the HDF library. hdfan - MATLAB Gateway to HDF multifile annotation interface. hdfdf24 - MATLAB Gateway to HDF raster image interface. hdfdfr8 - MATLAB Gateway to HDF 8-bit raster image interface. hdfh - MATLAB Gateway to HDF H interface. hdfhd - MATLAB Gateway to HDF HD interface. hdfhe - MATLAB Gateway to HDF HE interface. hdfml - MATLAB-HDF gateway utilities. hdfsd - MATLAB Gateway to HDF multifile scientific dataset interface. hdfv - MATLAB Gateway to HDF V (Vgroup) interface. hdfvf - MATLAB Gateway to HDF VF (Vdata) interface. hdfvh - MATLAB Gateway to HDF VH (Vdata) interface. hdfvs - MATLAB Gateway to HDF VS (Vdata) interface. HDF-EOS library interface help. hdfgd - MATLAB Gateway to HDF-EOS grid interface. hdfpt - MATLAB Gateway to HDF-EOS point interface. hdfsw - MATLAB Gateway to HDF-EOS swath interface. Command window I/O clc - Clear command window. disp - Display array. home - Send cursor home. input - Prompt for user input. pause - Wait for user response. FIG file support for plotedit and printframes. hgload - Loads a Handle Graphics object from a file. hgsave - Saves an HG object heirarchy to a file. Utilities. str2rng - Convert spreadsheet range string to numeric array. wk1const - WK1 record type definitions. wk1wrec - Write a WK1 record header. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------