Introduction to Analysis of Algorithms
General Information
Lectures: MWF 9:05am–9:55am, Uris Hall G01, mapCourse Staff:
- Instructor: Prof. Michael Kim
Office Hours: Fridays, 1-3pm in Gates 203 - Head TA: Ellie Fassman
Office Hours: Mondays, 10:30a-12:30p in Upson 102 - Course Coordinator: Kimberly Budd, Gates Hall 401
- All email correspondences should be sent to
Emails sent to the Course Staff's personal accounts will not be answered in a timely manner.
Enrollment Information
- Enrollment in CS 4820 is handled by Bowers CIS. The Course Staff cannot influence the enrollment process.
- For more information, see the Enrollment Snapshot and the Bowers CIS Enrollment Information Page
- For issues with enrollment, submit a ticket at the Bowers CIS Ticket System.
- Do NOT email the Course Staff or Bowers CIS administrators about enrollment issues.
External links
- Canvas (homework files & solutions)
- Ed Discussions (announcements & discussion)
- Gradescope (homework submission & grades)
Exam Dates
- Prelim 1: Thursday, February 13, 7:30pm
- Prelim 2: Thursday, March 27, 7:30pm
- Final: TBD
Office Hours Calendar
In extenuating circumstances, if you need to discuss a personal matter with Prof. Kim, beyond the scope of Office Hours, please book an appointment here.