Unofficial pre-lecture versions of slides are available at this Google Drive folder. Official versions have links below (also to the same Google Drive folder).
Lecture recordings require Cornell SSO login, not just generic Zoom login. Here is a picture of the SSO "key" to click on when Zoom asks you to authenticate.
All dates for lectures and unreleased assignments are provisional.
Additional milestone deadlines may be added.
Lecture | Date | Topic/notes | Readings | Assignments, etc. | |
1 | Aug 23 | Introduction: slides, audio recording (video recording failed, unfortunately) | |||
2 | 25 | Language Modeling/N-grams: slides, video recording | Jurafsky and Martin (henceforth JM) chapter 3 through section 3.1 | ||
3 | 30 | Text Processing / Classification: slides, video recording | JM chapter 4 through section 4.6; section 5.3 in JM chapter 5. | ||
4 | Sep 1 | Sequence Tagging / HMMs / Viterbi / MEMMs: slides, video recording | JM Chapter 8 through section 8.5.1; JM Appendix A through section A.2, section A.4 | ||
5 | 6 | Viterbi Step-Through / NER Intro: slides, video recording | ditto, plus JM 8.5.2-8.6 | HW1 out Partner-finding social for CS classes run by student associations (all welcome), Upson Lounge (116), probably 4-6pm. Rsvp: link |
6 | 8 | Chunking / SRL: slides, video recording | ditto, plus JM 19 through 19.3 and the intro part of 19.6; JM 4.7 | ||
7 | 13 | Word Embeddings / Vector Semantics: slides, video recording | JM chapter 6 sections 6.2-6.5, 6.8 through 6.8.2 | ||
8 | 15 | FFNNs: slides, video recording | JM chapter 7 through 7.3 | HW1 milestone 1 due | |
9 | 20 | Designing NNs: slides, video recording | JM chapter 7 sections 7.4-7.5 | ||
10 | 22 | Pytorch tutorial (TA John Starr): Notebook (completed), video recording | |||
11 | 27 | Training NNs: slides, video recording | JM chapter 7 sections 7.6-7.7 | HW1 due, HW2 out | |
12 | 29 | Neural Language Models / Recurrent Neural Networks: slides, video recording | JM chapter 7 section 7.5-7.7 | HW1 pdf page-matching and pdf visual corrections can be done on Gradescope until Friday 1pm | |
13 | Oct 4 | Exam Review / Open OH: practice exam posting, video recording | HW2 grouping due |
14 | 6 | RNNs and Bidirectionality: slides, video recording | JM chapter 9 section 9.3-9.5 | ||
Oct 6 | midterm: 7:30pm, Baker Lab, room 200 only (even though the registrar listed three rooms) [pdf] [solutions] | ||||
Oct 11 | Fall Break | ||||
15 | 13 | Backprop: slides, video recording | JM chapter 7 section 7.6; Colah blog post | ||
16 | 18 | LSTMs: slides, video recording | JM chapter 9 section 9.6; Colah blog post | (10/17 drop deadline) | |
17 | 20 | Encoder-Decoders: slides, video recording | JM chapter 10 section 10.1-10.4 | ||
18 | 25 | Attention / Contextualized Embeddings / ELMo; slides, video recording | JM Chapter 11 section 11.1-11.4 | HW2 due; |
19 | 27 | Transformers / BERT; slides, video recording | JM Chapter 9 section 9.7-9.9; JM Chapter 11 section 11.1-11.4 | HW3 out | |
20 | Nov 1 | Discourse; slides, video recording | JM Chapter 22 | ||
21 | 3 | Implementing Transformers (TA: Shaden Shaar); Notebook | HW3 milestone due Nov 4 | ||
22 | 8 | Coreference; slides, video recording | JM Chapter 21 | ||
23 | 10 | Summarization; slides, video recording | JM Chapter 9 section 9.9 | ||
24 | 15 | NN Probing / Interpretability; slides, video recording | HW3 due; HW4 out | ||
25 | 17 | Ethical NLP; slides, video recording | |||
26 | 22 | NLP + Computational Social Science; slides, video recording | |||
Nov 24 | Thanksgiving | ||||
27 | 29 | NLP Research Talks (TA Tushaar, TA John S.); Tushaar slides, John slides, video recording | |||
28 | Dec 1 | Final-exam review session; slides, video recording | |||
Mon Dec 5 | HW 4 due | ||||
Thu Dec 15th | Final examination: Thu Dec 15, 2-4:30pm, east section of 100 Barton Hall. |
Page generated using Course Schedule Generator 1.3 by Andrew Myers.