CS 5740 SP21

Time: MoWe 1:35PM - 2:50PM
Listing: CS 5740

Instructor: Yoav Artzi
Teaching assistant: Ge Gao
Graders: Kuan-Ting Liu, Wenyi Chu, and Cheng Wang

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All readings are optional

Cornell Library provides a bookmarklet to make it easier to access online materials that are available through the library.

  • Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville, Deep Learning, 2016.
  • Hal Daumé III, A Course in Machine Learning.
  • Emily Bender, Linguistic Fundamentals for Natural Language Processing: 100 Essentials from Morphology and Syntax, Morgan & Claypool, 2013.
  • Emily Bender, Linguistic Fundamentals for Natural Language Processing II: 100 Essentials from Semantics and Pragmatics, Morgan & Claypool, 2019.
  • Noah Smith, Linguistic Structure Prediction, Mogran & Claypool, 2011. (available online)

NLP Conferences and Journals

The main publication venues are ACL, NACCL, EMNLP, TACL, EACL, CoNLL, and CL. All papers from these publications can be found in the ACL Anthology. NLP publications often appear in ML and AI conferences, including ICML, NeurIPS, ICLR, AAAI, IJCAI. Work in the intersection of NLP and other fields often appears in the venues of these fields, such as Computer Vision (CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, etc.) and Robotics (CoRL, RSS, ICRA, HRI, etc.). A calendar of NLP events is available here, and ACL sponsored events are listed here.