CS 5740 SP21

Time: MoWe 1:35PM - 2:50PM
Listing: CS 5740

Instructor: Yoav Artzi
Teaching assistant: Ge Gao
Graders: Kuan-Ting Liu, Wenyi Chu, and Cheng Wang

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CS 5740: Natural Language Processing (Spring 2021)

This course constitutes a depth-first technical introduction to natural language processing (NLP). NLP is at the heart of many of today’s most exciting technological achievements, including machine translation, automatic conversational assistants and Internet search. The goal of the course is to provide a deep understanding of the language of the field, including algorithms, core problems, methods, and data. Possible topics include text classification, lexical semantics, language modeling, machine translation, tagging and sequence modeling, parsing, compositional semantics, summarization, question answering, language grounding, information extraction, and sentiment analysis.