CS 4121/5121
Introduction to Compilers Practicum
Spring 2021

2021 CS 4121/5121 Compiler Bakeoff

The “Best Compiler” title gives each member of the winning team both bragging rights and an attractive plaque announcing their excellence in the compiler-writing domain. PA6 submissions will be treated as submissions to the contest; however, performance in the bakeoff does not affect course grades.


Compilers are compared using the following criteria, listed roughly in order of importance:


Compilers are evaluated using several Xi programs, testing both language features and performance. These benchmarks test the performance of arrays, loops, recursion, redundant computations, and more.


There were many excellent project submissions, and it was difficult even to narrow down the set to consider, let along pick one. The winning compiler for Spring 2021 is the one developed by the group of Vaishnavi Gupta, Felix Hohne, and Shiyuan Huang. Theirs was one of the most correct compilers, yet also generated some of the best quality code. Honorable mentions go to four other groups:

Past Bakeoff Results and Winners