CS 412/413
Introduction to Compilers
Cornell University Computer Science Department, Spring 2001

Programming Assignment 4: Code Generation

Due Wednesday, April 4

In this programming assignment, you will build a simple code generator for the language Iota. At the end of this assignment, you will have a working compiler for most of the Iota language. We expect you to build upon the code that you wrote for Programming Assignments 1-3, and to fix any problems with your lexical analysis, parsing, or semantic analysis that interfere with code generation for correct Iota programs.

Compiler requirements

Your program will have a main class, Iota.Compiler, that compiles Iota code to assembly code. When invoked from the command line, the compiler will implement at least the following minimal specification: it should expect to receive a single argument that is the name of a source file containing a module specification, with an extension of  ".im". The compiler will parse and type-check the program as in programming assignments 1 and 2, and convert the program to canonical IR as in programming assignment 3. It will then perform the following steps:

  1. Generate abstract Pentium MASM assembly code
  2. Convert the abstract assembly to real assembly using a trivial register allocation algorithm
  3. Write the result out to a ".asm" file
  4. Optionally invoke the macro assembler automatically to produce a ".obj" file.

When invoked on a source code with the command line "java Iota.Compiler foo.im", the compiler will generate an assembly file "foo.asm" that can be assembled using MASM to produce an object file "foo.obj". We are supplying a library file "iota.lib" that implements the io and conv interfaces described in the language definition, as well as some other useful utility functions that you will need for code generation.

Your compiler must support a number of dump options for debugging purposes:

You may choose to add additional options not mentioned here as long as they do not interfere with the required functionality. For example, your compiler might accept more than one source file on the command line or support more debugging options than those listed. You may allow multiple dump options to be specified; we require support for only a single dump option on a particular command invocation. Describe any modifications or extensions to this specification in your documentation.

Invoking the assembler and linker

Your compiler will produce assembly files (with an .asm extension) from correspondingly named files with a .im extension. You then can use the assembler to convert these assembly files into object files (.obj files) and the linker to convert a set of such object files into an executable file (.exe extension).

To invoke the assembler, the following command line is used for an assembly file foo.asm:

ml /c /Cp /coff /Zd /Zi foo.asm

Supposing that this module is the only module in the program, it can be linked as follows:

link /pdb:none /debug /debugtype:coff foo.obj iotaextra.lib iota.lib

The library file iota.lib is a collection of .obj files bundled together, containing the code for the standard modules io and conv that are defined in the language specification, along with run-time support for garbage collection and a few useful utility functions that can be called from your generated code. The file iotaextra.lib is an additional library that you may modify to include additional utility functions.

The program ml can be found in the directory \\goose\courses\cs412-sp01\masm611. The program link is from Microsoft Visual Studio VC++ 98 (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Bin\ in the undergraduate lab). However, to simplify the assembly and linking process, we are providing scripts asm.bat and ilink.bat that package up these operations for you, so that the lines above can be typed simply as

asm foo
ilink foo

The first argument to ilink is the name of the module containing the program's main function. More module names can be specified on the command line following this first module, causing the linker to use the corresponding object files.

Implementing Iota

Examples of how to compile various Iota constructs are given in a companion handout, Pentium Code Samples. These examples show the extra assembler directives necessary to instruct the assembler to generate 32-bit code, and assembly code for some of the example programs found in the Iota language definition. You can also work backward from this assembly code to help figure out what IR to generate for various programming constructs. You will also find the Intel Architecture Software Developer Manuals, volumes 1 and 2, to be helpful.

Word size

You will be generating 32-bit Pentium code, so all variables and registers will take a full 32 bits of storage. Although it would be possible to generate code that stores characters and booleans more compactly, these data types will be stored in 32-bit words as well. All stack locations and dynamically allocated objects will be aligned to 32-bit boundaries; the address of a variable or dynamically allocated object always will be divisible by four.

Standard Runtime Environment

The library file iota.lib contains the code for the standard modules io and conv that are defined in the language specification. It also contains several additional routines that are useful when generating code. These routines are described in the Pentium Code Samples handout.

Arrays and strings will be stored in memory in the manner described in class. String constants will be allocated statically in the data segment. To create new arrays and strings, you will use the newarray and strconcat routines described in the Pentium Code Samples handout. These routines allocate heap storage for arrays and strings. The memory layout of arrays and strings is as described in the Programming Assignment 3 handout.

The other utility functions described in the PA3 handout will also be available to you. You may also define your own runtime support routines in C.You should be aware that a call to a runtime routine will likely be more expensive than the IR code that it replaces, even if that IR code is fairly complicated. Be sparing with the number of routines you introduce, because frequent calls to runtime routines will likely degrade performance of the code your compiler emits.  If you take this approach, you must submit the C source code that implements your routines with this assignment. You must also put an extended iotaextra.lib file in your top-level directory that includes all the added functions in addition to the ones we supplied. Visual Studio, gcc, or any other compiler or language you like may be used to produce the iotaextra.lib file. A skeleton iotaextra.lib with a Visual Studio workspace is located at \\goose\courses\cs412-sp01\iotalib\iotaextra\.

Register allocation

The canonical IR trees generated in Programming Assignment 3 will be converted to assembly code using tiling and the simple stack-frame register allocation scheme described in lecture. When the canonical IR code for f(x:int, y:int):int = g(y) + y:

       MOVE(TEMP(t1), CALL(NAME(g), MEM(FP + 12)))
       MOVE(RV, MEM(FP + 12) + TEMP(t1))
is converted to abstract assembly by tiling, the following code might result:

push [ebp + 12]
call g
mov t1, eax
mov t2, t1
add t2, [ebp + 12]
mov eax, t2

After the register allocation (t1 = t2 = eax) and elimination of unnecessary mov instructions, we might obtain the following compact code:

push [ebp + 12]
call g
add eax, [ebp + 12]

However, for this programming assignment you will not make this final step. Instead, all temporaries will be allocated on the stack. The caller-save registers eax, ecx, and edx will be used for all instructions involving temporaries. Before the instruction, one or two of these registers will be loaded from the appropriate stack location. After the instruction, if necessary, the stack location will be updated from the corresponding register. This register allocation strategy is not particularly efficient, but it is simple and will result in working code. You will need to compute how many temporaries have to be stored on the stack and adjust the stack pointer in the function prologue accordingly. In this example, suppose that we assign the temporary t1 to the location [fp-4], and the temporary t2 to the location [fp-8]. The resulting code will look like the following:

push [ebp + 12]
call g
mov [ebp-4], eax        ; mov t1, eax
mov eax, [fp-4]
mov [ebp-8], eax        ; mov t2, t1
mov eax, [ebp-8]
add eax, [ebp + 12]     ; add t2, [fp + 12]
mov [ebp-8], eax
mov eax, [ebp-8]        ; mov eax, t2

Obviously there are many opportunities for even simple-minded optimization in this code, but the goal here is just to generate working code. We recommend not trying to optimize this code, because the register allocation optimizations that you will implement in Programming Assignment 6 will do a better job than any ad-hoc peephole optimizer. In addition to temporaries, local variables and function arguments should be allocated on the stack relative to the frame pointer register, as discussed in lecture.

Iota modules

An Iota program may comprise several Iota modules that must be linked together. When you generate code for an Iota module, you will generate assembler PUBLIC directives that expose publicly visible symbols in the Iota program so that the linker can link external references from other modules to these global variables or functions. The public variables and functions in the module are, of course, those declared in the interface file of the module.

Global variables and function names in Iota are translated to assembler names using the name mangling scheme described in the Programming Assignment 3 handout

Function prologue and epilogue

Certain assembly instructions are generated at the beginning and end of every function; these instructions are known as the prologue and epilogue, respectively. The prologue and epilogue are not explicitly represented in the IR for the function body. In the prologue, the current frame pointer (the ebp register) is pushed onto the stack, and the stack pointer is adjusted to make room for the local variables and temporaries used by the function. In the epilogue, the return value is placed in the eax register, the stack pointer is restored to point to the control link, the previous frame pointer is popped off the stack, and the function returns with a ret instruction.

Saving registers

Although this should not be an issue for this programming assignment, the various general-purpose registers on the Pentium architecture are by convention considered to be caller-save or callee-save as follows: eax, ecx, and edx are caller-save, and ebx, esi, edi, ebpesp are callee-save. This means that a function can freely modify the registers eax, ecx, and edx, but must assume that their contents have been destroyed if it in turns calls a function. Conversely, it may call another function and know that the callee-save registers have not been modified; however, if it modifies these registers itself, it must restore them to their original values before returning. Saving callee-save registers is usually done by adding appropriate push instructions to the function prologue, and corresponding pop instructions to the function epilogue. Caller-save registers can be saved and restored around every function call; before the arguments are pushed onto the stack, any caller-save registers containing useful data are stored on the stack. In the code you are generating, the caller-save registers should not need to be saved at function calls because caller-save registers are only used to shuttle data off of and onto the stack. As we'll see later in the course, there is no need to save caller-save registers explicitly, because the register allocation process will automatically cause caller-save registers to be spilled to the stack.

What to turn in

Turn in on paper:

Turn in electronically:

Electronic submission instructions

Your electronic submission is expected at the same time as your written submission: at the beginning of class on the due date. Electronic submissions after 10AM will be considered a day late. To submit Programming Assignment 4, please drop your files in \\goose\courses\cs412-sp01\grpX\pa4, where grpX is your group identifier. Please organize your top-level directory structure as follows :

Note: Failure to submit your assignment in the proper format may result in deductions from your grade.