CS 412/413
Introduction to Compilers
Spring 2001

The Great Iota Compiler Shootout '01

The title of "Best Iota Compiler" is once again up for grabs! 


The benchmark results are available.

Compiler Demonstrations

During your PA6 demo (schedule), we will run a series of benchmarks on your compiler.  We want this to go as smoothly as possible, so we're providing you with a skeleton benchmark suite.  Instructions for using the suite are included in a readme file.  You must test this suite before your demo -- it requires that you supply some files of your own that you'll need to have available at the time of the demo.  Also, you'll want to make sure your compiler is compliant with the expectations built into the testing scripts.  After all, it will be a very one-sided demo if we can't compile any of our programs!  Any updates to the suite will be posted here.


Your compiler will be evaluated using at least the following criteria:

The Prize

Bragging rights, of course, plus an additional award which could be a plaque, a gift certificate, food, etc.

Demo Schedule

Thursday, May 10

1:30-2:15 Group 3
2:15-3:00 Group 1
3:00-3:45 Group 7
3:45-4:30 Group 9

Friday, May 11

1:30-2:15 Group 8
2:15-3:00 Group 4
3:00-3:45 Group 2
3:45-4:30 Group 5