Overview of CS100J:  Spring 2004

Course: COM S 100J Introduction to Computer Programming
Semesters offered: Fall, Spring
Credits and Grades: 4 credits, Letter or S/U depending on your college requirements
Website: http://courses.cs.cornell.edu/cs100j/2004sp/
Newsgroup: cornell.class.cs100j

CS100J and CS100M offer an introduction to elementary computer programming concepts. The courses emphasize techniques of problem analysis and the development of algorithms and programs. To enroll in CS100, you must register for either CS100J or CS100M, which both use Java and MATLAB in different amounts to teach the same concepts: Neither course presumes previous programming experience. To take CS100M, you must have a firm background in mathematics and at least one semester of calculus. Refer to http://www.cs.cornell.edu/degreeprogs/ugrad/CSMajor/CoursesandResearch/FirstCSCourse/index.htm for more information about both courses.

CS100J includes lectures and sections. Some of the sections will be held in computer labs. See Syllabus --> Times & Places for times and locations. We also hold occasional review sessions. There are optional Academic Excellence Workshops (AEW) for additional programming practice in a cooperative learning environment.

Course Material
Both CS100M and CS100J require that you program in Java and MATLAB. We will use DrJava for the Java programming environment. For the full list of required and optional course material, including software requirements, see Syllabus --> Material.

What To Do Now

If you are shopping around for a "first course" to take in computer science, the CS department offers both programming and non-programming  courses. Refer to http://www.cs.cornell.edu/ugrad/FirstCourse.html for more information about the courses that may suit your needs better than CS100. You might be interested in CS/ENGRI 172: Computation, Information, and Intelligence, which is a non-programming introduction to computer science through the lens of artificial intelligence (fall only).