Review/Practice Questions for Prelim 1

Many exercises and self-review exercisess in the text are excellent. Working on them will help you prepare for the prelim. Concentrate on developing an algorithm and writing the code systematically--do not hack at the program on the computer until it works. You will be writing the exam using pen (pencil) and paper, not in front of a computer!
Chapter 1
Exercises (extending a class, p45-47) E1-4, E7

Chapter 2
Self Review Exercises are usually very short, you can do all of them:
Self Review Exercises (method calls, p55-56) SR1-8
Self Review Exercises (selection, p64-95) SR1-8
Self Review Exercises (for loop, p73-74) SR1-3, SR5-7
Self Review Exercises (methods, p90-91) SR1-6, SR8-11
Chapter exercises are longer--you may not have time to do all of them! Below are several recommended exercises:
Exercises (p92-93) E10-12, E19-21, E27