CS100 Final Exam FAQ + How many problems? 6 Questions, some with multiple parts Some bonus problems, too. + What kinds of questions? Some fill in the blank, some boxes to fill, a few to identify correct/incorrect code. + What about memorizing the API? Page 2 of the exam is a reference sheet Java API methods and Matlab examples + What's definitely NOT on the test? graphics, animation, bouncing balls, reading text from FILES + What's definitely ON the test? Matlab, strings, characters, arrays, objects, loops, processing input, searching, some sorting, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and other things... + What should you be doing? Practicing taking past prelims, projects, exercises, and online examples + What about Matlab? There's about 1/6 matlab "content". You should be studying Project 7, past exercises, and lecture notes. You may also be tested on how to solve a problem in both Matlab and Java. + What else should you know? Matlab's logical arrays, $null$, $this$, $final$, $super$, $private$, $public$, how $Object$ works