CS100, Spring 2000, Part 1 of Review questions for Prelim 3 [Part 2 will be posted later] 1. Do Project 3.11 Lewis&Loftus. Supply 5 rounds of playing the game. 2. Write a program that reads a sorted sequence of grades and prints a histogram terminated by a negative number(Assume all input on the same line). Your program must handle both non-descending and non-ascending sequences. For example, if the input were 2,3,5,5,-2, you program would print 2 * 3 * 4 5 ** You may assume that grades are at most 3 digits long. No arrays allowed. For full credit, the histograms should be "nicely" formatted. Demonstrate your program with the following input sequences: 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 7, 8, -1 8, 7, 7, 5, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1 5, 5, 10, 10, -1 0, -1 -1 3. The ISBN number on a book is 10 digits. The tenth digit is a function of the first 9 digits. Write a program that reads the first 9 digits of an ISBN number and prints out the 10 digit. For example, on the input 156592427 your program would print 4. The formula is: + consider each position numbered 1 to 9 + multiply the ith digit by i + add up all the results + take the remainder when you divide the sum by 11 + if the result is 10, print the letter "X" otherwise print the remainder as a number Demonstrate your program for the following ISBN numbers. We've given you the first 9 digits: 038798397, 038798399. 4. Print two tables of characters (one for the uppercase and one for the lowercase) and their numerical codes. Each set of characters should be printed in one line with the set of numbers strictly below. A character should be aligned with the first digit of the code. Leave a space between the codes. A B C ... Z ** ** ** ** a b c ... z ** ** ** ** Conciseness matters!