CS100, Spring 2000, Part 1 of Review questions for Prelim 2 [Part 2 should be available in a day or two.] 0. Do Exercise 3 or any of the other programming assignments (again) if you haven't done them or had trouble with them. Go over our sample solutions -- make sure you understand how they work and how they compare to yours. 1. [Maybe a little too vague for a prelim, but useful for you to think about.] Each line in the program segment below has something wrong with it. Fix each line. int 3 = x; if (7 - x = 4) System.Out.Println("four is " + 4); int x = "4"; if (3 < 4, 4 < 5) System.out.println(4 is between 3 and 5); 2. [Maybe a little too vague for a prelim, but useful for you to think about.] Briefly answer each question below. (a) What is the difference between "=" and "=="? (b) What is the difference among the following three statements? i) int x; ii) int x = 3; iii) x = 3; (c) Is there any difference between $fred$ and $Fred$? (d) Assume the code below is correct. Indent it properly. Note that there is more than one correct answer. while (x<0) { counter *= 10; if (y0 is "perfect" if it is equal to the sum of all its proper divisors d (proper means 0