CS100 Spring 2000 Professors David I. Schwartz & Thomas Yan Project 2: The Target Strikes Back (aka, Loops Ahoy!) Due: Thursday, February 10, 2000 Required Problems Solve all required Problems 1-4. Note that we have deliberately under-specified some of these problems. Use your best judgement and document your code clearly. You may not use arrays for any of the following problems. You must use TokenReader to gather all input. You may use the space/paper saving techniques posted to the newsgroup for printing programs and output. 1. Do Programming Project 2.11 from Lewis&Loftus. Name the program Project2_1. Thus, the Main Class should have the name Project2_1. Hint: You will have to change the Java target setting for CodeWarrior. Demonstrate your program with the following data. The total amount of gas used is 5 gallons. The start and end readings of the trip-odometer are 13 and 140 miles, respectively. 2. Write a program called Project2_2 to: (1) Read in a sequence of positive integers -- a non-positive integer terminates the sequence (2) Print the number of multiples of 5 found in the sequence. Demonstrate your program with the following input sequences: o 5, 21, 1, 21, 25, 32, -1 o 0, 5, -1 (Hint: What should the program do if the user enters zero? Beware of what positive means!) o 150, -1 3. Write a program called Project2_3 to: (1) Read in a sequence of integers between -100 and 100, inclusive -- an out-of-range number terminates the sequence (2) Print the number of sign changes for the sequence. Recall that there are three different signs: +, 0, and -. Demonstrate your program with the following input sequences: o -99, -97, 12, -10, 1, -2, 101 o 1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 101 o 1, -101 o 2000 4. Write a program called Project2_4 to: (1) Read in a sequence of elevations from a contour map, terminated by -1 (2) Print the two neighboring elevations with the steepest gradient. The gradient G between elevations x and y is G=|x-y|, assuming constant spacing between measurements. Demonstrate your program with the following input sequences: o 52, 63, 63, 95, 100, -1 o 0, -1 Bonus Problem The following problem is optional and, consequently, worth bonus points: Do Programming Project 2.9 from Lewis&Loftus. The Main Class should have the name Project2_B. What To Submit Follow the submission instructions and other procedures from the Projects page on the CS100 Course Website. Include all programs and output.